Weeklong social work week at EJM College centers on School Social Work opportunities

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent Leh, Aug 27, 2024
During the celebration of weeklong programme in observance of the 5th National Social Work Week at EJM College.
Leh :

The Department of Social Work at EJM College, Leh, celebrated a weeklong programme from August 15 to August 21 in observance of the 5th National Social Work Week, initiated by the National Association of Professional Social Workers of India (NAPSWI). The theme for this year’s programme was “School Social Work: Opportunities and Challenges,” reflecting the increasing recognition of the importance of school social workers as highlighted in the New Education Policy, 2020.

The event kicked off with a national webinar conducted by NAPSWI, featuring participation from state coordinators across the country. Throughout the week, various activities were organized, including webinars, workshops, and competitions aimed at enhancing the understanding and scope of social work in school settings.

Eminent Social Work Educators, Prof. Sanjai Bhatt and Prof. Asutosh Pradhan, were invited to lead webinars on the topics “Field Work Practicum and Its Scope in School Settings” and “The Importance of Social Work Education in School Settings,” respectively. These sessions provided valuable insights into the practical aspects and educational significance of social work within schools.

An Inter-Department Quiz Competition was also held, with participants from five college departments: Zoology, Social Work, Sociology, Biochemistry, and Commerce. The quiz focused on general studies, covering topics such as economics, politics, social issues, science, and sports. The Department of Zoology emerged as the winner.

Additionally, a workshop on “Gender-Based Violence in School Settings” was conducted, featuring Social Workers Aamir Sohail and Hasseena Batool from the Special Cell for Women (Leh and Kargil), along with Shahida Parveen, Centre Administrator at the One Stop Centre in Leh. The workshop aimed to raise awareness among students about discriminatory practices based on gender that are often normalized in society. The speakers elaborated on the concept of gender-based violence and its various forms, including financial, physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. They also discussed the support and assistance available to victims and encouraged students to spread awareness in their communities.

A panel discussion on the theme “School Social Work: Opportunities and Challenges” featured four experts: Dechen Wangmo, Principal of Siddhartha High School; Prakash Chandra, Addiction Counselor (Level 3) from Teen Challenge NGO; Monalisa Sharma, Principal of Mahabodhi School; and Hasseena Batool, Social Worker. The panelists shared their experiences and insights into the challenges and developments within school settings, emphasizing the critical role of social workers. They highlighted that the role extends beyond counseling to include responsibilities such as ensuring inclusive education, bridging gaps between parents, students, and teachers, and instilling values like honesty, compassion, and accountability.

The weeklong celebration concluded with the observance of National Social Work Day, marked by a valedictory ceremony and cultural programme. The Principal of EJM College, along with faculty members and students from various departments, attended the event. The speakers, experts, and winners of the quiz competition were felicitated during the ceremony, which was followed by vibrant cultural performances.