Sericulture industry promotion: DC, Kargil, launches mulberry plantation drive

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent Kargil, Jun 17, 2021
Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil, Santosh Sukhadeve planting a mulberry at the Horticulture and Agriculture farm, Kargil.
Kargil :

A mulberry plantation drive was organised by the College of Temperate Sericulture and Research Institute, SKUAST-Kashmir in collaboration with the Mountain Agriculture Research and Extension Station (MARES), SKUAST-Kargil on June 16 at the Horticulture and Agriculture farm, Kargil.

The plantation drive was launched by Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil, Santosh Sukhadeve. Because of the successful silk cocoon crop production in the Kargil district, the plantation aims to boost the quality of mulberry leaf production and augmentation of mulberry wealth in the district.

Senior Scientist and Head MARES, SKUAST-Kargil, Dr. Faizan Ahmad; Scientist from SKUAST-Kashmir, Dr Zafar Iqbal Buhroo; Chief Horticulture Officer, Kargil, Ali Raza; Chief Agriculture Officer, Kacho Muhammad Ali Khan; Forest Range Officer, Niyaz Ali besides other concerned officers were present on the occasion.

DC, Kargil, Santosh Sukhadeve appreciated the College of Temperate Sericulture and Research Institute, SKUAST-Kashmir and MARES, SKUAST-Kargil for taking such initiatives for tribal farmers of Kargil district. He expressed optimism that this initiative will go a long way in generating employment opportunities for the unemployed youth and the tribal farmers which will, in turn, prove helpful in the augmentation of their livelihood.

He also hailed the efforts of the concerned agencies for the introduction of the improved mulberry varieties in the district which is the need of the hour for strengthening sericulture activities for benefit of the local population.
Senior Scientist and Head MARES, SKUAST-Kargil, Dr. Faizan Ahmed highlighted the importance of improved mulberry variety Goshoerami which is being introduced and popularized in the region. He further added that the initiative has been taken by SKUAST-Kashmir keeping in view the scope of sericulture in the region as quality silk cocoon production was achieved in the recent past by the scientific team of SKUAST-Kashmir and SKUAST-Kargil under a university-funded research project which was conducted during 2018-2020.  

Dr. Zafar Iqbal Buhroo who is also the Principal Investigator of the sericulture project for Kargil highlighted the scope and importance of mulberry plantation. He added that the project will serve as the base for the promotion and establishment of the sericulture industry in the area.

The scientists of the SKUAST further added that the Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST Kashmir is very much keen on strengthening sericulture activities in the Kargil district to promote silk farming in the area. Farming will also become a viable option for unemployed youth and tribal farmers for their livelihood. They further added that SKUAST-Kashmir is aiming to introduce quality mulberry fruiting varieties in the region in the coming years so that local tribal farmers are benefited.