Ladakh pays tribute to UT Martyrs on 35th anniversary of 1989 agitation

By Stanzin Padma Leh, Aug 29, 2024
Adv. Tashi Gyalson, CEC LAHDC Leh and Thupstan Chhewang, Former President of the LBA along with other guests during the UT Martyrs day.
Leh :

Tribute paid to the trio of UT Martyrs—Nawang Rinchen from Sankar, Tsewang Dorjay from Saboo, and Tsering Stobdan from Durbuk—who lost their lives in the firing during the mass agitation demanding Union Territory status for Ladakh on August 27, 1989. The commemoration took place at Memorial Park Skyatsaks.

Ven. Lobsang Tsondus and Tashi Angchuk, who sacrificed their lives in 1981 for securing Scheduled Tribe status for Ladakh were also honored.

Adv. Tashi Gyalson, CEC LAHDC Leh, the chief guest of the occasion, expressed his heartfelt condolences to the families of the martyrs. He emphasized the importance of this day in Ladakh's history, noting that remembering the bravery of these heroes is crucial for the youth to remain responsible and committed to the region's progress. Gyalson also outlined upcoming developments at NDS Memorial Park, including plans for a new cafeteria, in collaboration with the LBA Youth president.

Gyalson paid tribute to Ladakh's great leaders, including Kushok Bakula Rinpoche, Tokdan Rinpoche, Thupstan Chhewang, and Chering Dorjay Lakrook. He stated that if a "Gandhi" title were to be given in Ladakh, Thupstan Chhewang would be the most deserving.

Thupstan Chhewang, Former President of the LBA, emphasized that this day is unforgettable for Ladakh, even if we tried to forget. While Ladakh was under J&K rule, it was also free in its spirit.

He recounted the 1989 agitation, a pivotal moment in Ladakh's history when, for the first time, people from different religions united to fight for their common demand. He paid a solemn tribute to all the warriors who sacrificed their lives for Ladakh.

Chhewang welcomed the creation of five new districts, attributing this achievement to the unity that has prevailed in Ladakh since 1989. However, he expressed concerns about the potential implications of these new districts, particularly the possible reduction in the Hill Council's power. He noted that, according to scholars, if these districts are included under the Sixth Schedule, it would fulfill Ladakh’s main demand. If not, the creation of districts would be of little value.

He urged everyone to remain united in pursuing the region's four key agenda demands, even after the creation of the districts, cautioning that this could be a tactic to divide Ladakh's unity.

Chhewang concluded by addressing the youth, stating that it is now their responsibility to carry forward these demands and ensure Ladakh’s continued progress.

Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA) President Chering Dorjay Lakrook, Vice President LBA Kunzes Dolma, Women Wing President LBA Syed Mukesh Shah Anjuman Imamia, and President LGA also spoke at the event.