Documentary on menace of alcohol released Alcohol is undoubtedly a public health issue

By Rinchen Angmo Chumikchan LEH, Dec 01, 2015
Amid growing concerns over the rising alcohol consumption in our society a documentary ‘Tukchhu Inviting Death’ on the menace of alcohol was released by His Eminence Kyabje Choegon Rinpoche on 26th November at LBA Office.

The documentary is based on the menace of alcohol in our society, its ill effect on our health and its consequences. It is produced by Ladakh Buddhist Association, women wing and Medical Social Service, directed by T Wangdus Lonpo, D Wangchuk Mogol and Tashi Dawa."

T Wangdus Lonpo said that we got the opportunity to serve the society through this film and we work really hard to complete this documentary within a time frame.

His Eminence Choegon Rinpoche congratulates all for such a noble job and said, “It shows the reality and I hope there will be some change in the society. I see most of the deaths in Ladakh are due to alcohol. Today the most important thing is to reduce the consumption of alcohol in the society”. His Eminence further added that life is very precious and to save it is equally important.  

Tsewang Dolma, President LBA, women wing said that they would be showing this documentary to all the villages and spread awareness among the people about the menace of alcohol. 

“This movie will be shown to every village by the team of Healthy Ladakh Movement from 28th of November onward," she said. She believes by effectively working together, the negative health and social consequences of alcohol can be reduced.

The speakers emphasised that beyond health consequences, the harmful use of alcohol brings significant social and economic losses to individuals and society at large.

Ladakh Healthy Movement aims to reduce the health burden caused by the harmful use of alcohol and, thereby, to save lives, prevent injuries and diseases and improve the well-being of individuals, communities and society at large.

The documentary not only describes the negative impacts on the individual but also shows its bleak future as the root of many problems and raises some serious questions about the drinking habits of the people. Through its candid exploration of the daily battle against the drink, the documentary shows the viewer precisely how debilitating an addiction to alcohol can be when taken too far.

Efforts over the past years to reduce alcohol use in Ladakh have been strikingly ineffective and leave alcohol use a top threat to the health and economic well-being of Ladakh.