District Health Society, Kargil, launches Mission Indradhanush 5.0

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent Kargil, Aug 08, 2023
Children getting vaccinated during the launch of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 5.0.
Kargil :

District Health Society, Kargil launched Intensified Mission Indradhanush 5.0 in District Kargil on August 7 at the vaccination section of the CMO Office, Conference Hall, Kargil.

The event was inaugurated in presence of Dr. Mohd Abbas, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Kargil, who graced the occasion as the chief guest. Dr. Jaffar Akhone, former CMO of Kargil (epidemiologist), Dr. Fatima Banoo, District Immunization Officer, Dr. Rabia, District Health Officer, Dr. Fatima Nissa, State Leprosy Officer, Dr. Abdul Jaleel Wani, Block Medical Officer of Kargil, alongside officers and officials from the health department were present on the occasion.

District Immunization Officer, Dr. Fatima Banoo gave a detailed presentation regarding the intensified Mission Indradhanush 5.0 and the status thereof. The DIO urged the staff to implement the IMI 5.0 in each nook and corner of the district.

 She expressed gratitude to the dedicated team members, including Block Medical Officers, vaccinators, cold chain handlers, and other frontline workers, for their seamless efforts in executing the mission.

Also, she urged the general public to cooperate with health teams during the mission.

Deputy CMO, Dr. Mohd Abbas thanked the DIO and her team for the successful implementation of IMI 5.0 and to ensure the use of U-WIN portal for reviewing and reporting of the said program.

He stressed ensuring vaccination of missed doses in 0-5 year children and pregnant ladies. He directed to give messages to the migrant/non-local populations, also ensure vaccination of the slum areas and drop-out/partially immunized beneficiaries.

Dr. Jaffar Ahone, Dr. Fatima Nissa, Dr. Abdul Jaleel also shared their experiences and briefed about the occasion.

To strengthen routine immunization planning and delivery mechanism, the MoHFW, GoI, launched its flagship program “Mission Indradhanush” in December 2014 to achieve more than 90% full immunization coverage in the country.