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Wild bear killed many cattles in Shargole
By Mehboob Khan
Apr 13, 2015

Shargole :
From the last one week people in Shargole Block are living with the fear of bear attack that already attacked many houses and destroyed their cattle sheds and killed dozens of cattles.
State Executive member BJP Mohammad Subhan Jaffarey on 12 April said that from last one week the attack is increasing day by day and last night the bears attacked two houses in Mulbekh village and entered into the cattle shed through its roof and killed the cattles.
This frequent attack on cattles has increased the risk that bear might attack human as well and he urged the district administration to make arrangements for protecting the precious life humans in Shargoole Block.
Meanwhile through a press release he has asked the wildlife warden and district administration to make immediate arrangements for protecting the frequent attacks by wild bears in Shargole block failing to which his team has to protest against the department.
State Executive member BJP Mohammad Subhan Jaffarey on 12 April said that from last one week the attack is increasing day by day and last night the bears attacked two houses in Mulbekh village and entered into the cattle shed through its roof and killed the cattles.
This frequent attack on cattles has increased the risk that bear might attack human as well and he urged the district administration to make arrangements for protecting the precious life humans in Shargoole Block.
Meanwhile through a press release he has asked the wildlife warden and district administration to make immediate arrangements for protecting the frequent attacks by wild bears in Shargole block failing to which his team has to protest against the department.