Sheep Husbandry Dept. imparts training on production of local feed for livestock Aims to meet shortage of mineral and protein supplement during winter months

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent LEH, Dec 02, 2017
A training program for two days on ‘Potential and Promotion of Urea Mineral Molasses Block (UMMB) in Ladakh’ was concluded on November 23 in Leh. 

The program was organised by Sheep Husbandry Department Leh and around 25 field staff of the department participated.

Mumtaz Hussain, EC Animal & Sheep Husbandry said, “It’s a significant step to make livestock feed with proper laboratory testing using the waste leaves gathered in autumn season. If it turns out successful then our dependence on outside feed or nutritional supplements may significantly reduce.”

He reiterated that Council’s vision is to go organic, in which livestock is important. Hence, fodder and feed development are part of it and success of such innovate training would be of great value to benefit the maximum population.
Talking about the training, Dr. Niaz-ul-Hasnen, DSHO, Leh said, “Judicious and innovative use of small things can lead to a good product. In this training program, the department has managed to use the residual material like leaves of apricot, sea buckthorn, trees and other materials to produce local feed or nutrient supplement for livestock with the help of technology”.

“Such measures could also generate employment and with the support of Council and other scientific institutes the production can be extended to much higher level”, he added.

Dr. Tundup Namgail said that the motive behind producing urea mineral molasses block is to meet the shortage of feed/ mineral and protein supplement for livestock in winter months due to poor pasture for grazing in places like Changthang. It is an unconventional use of agriculture by-products to provide high protein content feed to the livestock to ensure their good health which in turn will result in the good production of livestock products.

The staffs were given practical training in making the feed blocks using all local products with a hope to benefit the farmers largely by imparting similar training to them by the trained staff.