Reach Ladakh
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“Let’s make India safe for women” Kargil students launch campaign in Delhi
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
New Delhi,
Apr 13, 2015

New Delhi :
Combating the increasing number of crimes against women in the country, students from Kargil distributed pamphlets among pedestrians at the market in Delhi and among students in Delhi University and JNU on 11 April. The cards have been distributed marking the auspicious birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zehra (S.A), the daughter of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
The card was carried with a bold message of “Let’s make India safe for women”.
“As we all are witnessing that crime against women is increasing day by day in the country, thus in this critical time, being a human and a Muslim I feel this responsibility on my shoulders to combat against such inhuman crimes” said Mohd Ali, a convenor.
As per many recent media reports, it is revealed that India is on the fourth number in world ranking for reporting the highest number of rape cases. Few infamous rape cases reported in the recent past has also worsened the situation in the country.
Few rape cases were recently reported in Ladakh also which has once again prodded the especially the student community to work for women safety.
The printed message stated:
Lady Fatima opened her eyes to the house of Prophet Mohammad. Fatima was a symbol of protest against the burial of daughters (1400 years ago in Arab). She held in high esteem amongst Muslims. Also, Prophet of Islam (saw) is her father, Ali the great imam (guide) was her husband and she is the mother of great revolutionaries like Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain and Lady Zaineb. But beyond and, above all, the status of being from such an elated family, she herself has an invaluable contribution to humanity in general and women in particular.
Fatima was a great teacher, a learned leader, a genius political advisor (for Prophet and Hazrat Ali). She was a noble wife and a humble mother. Fatima used to teach both Muslim and non-Muslim women in Arabia of her time. She used to nurture the orphans in her city as like her own children. She educated the public with their rights and duties towards the government at the time. At the same time, she used to speak against those who usurped and deprived the rights of the lower and poor class. These stands make the oppressors oppress her.
“The birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zehra is celebrated as women’s day or mother’s day by Muslims all over the world. So this time we are trying to celebrate this historical day in an innovative way with productive results”, said chief convenor Feroz Rabbani.