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LAHDC Leh signs MoU with Ladakh Winter Sports Club
By Padma Angmo
Apr 13, 2015

Leh :
Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council and the Winter Sports Club, Leh on 9 April held a meeting at Conference Hall, Leh. In order to provide basic facilities by means of all weather Ice Hockey Rink in Leh, LAHDC, Leh signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ladakh Winter Sports Club, Leh. The meeting was held in the presence of Rigzin Spalbar, Chief Executive Councilor LAHDC, Leh, Saugat Biswas, Deputy Commissioner, Chief Executive Officer, LAHDC, Leh, Tony Kretzschmar, Ambassador, Ice Hockey Ladakh, N A Gyapo, President, Ladakh Winter Sports Club, Leh and other concerned officer.
The main objective of organizing this meeting was to promote physical education along with the Academic Education. In the field of physical education, sport is one of the important sphere to provide a medium to the children of the District to compete with the athletes in the rest of the country as well as at the International level. Due to lack of budget allocation in this sector, it could not be prioritized through providing basic sports and recreational facilities for children, teenagers and young generations. In the past, Ladakhi had proved good sportspersons not only in the district but at State and National level.
The game of Ice Hockey, though not popular in India, is very famous at the International level. Ice Hockey has been an interesting event for many decades in Ladakh which has great potential to produce quality Ice Hockey players.
Rigzin Spalbar said that in order to promote winter games in Leh, Council has been providing all necessary assistance to LWSC in promoting ice hockey but in absence of adequate funds, infrastructure could not be developed it further. LAHDC, Leh has decided to give LWSC an opportunity to complete the ice hockey rink in shortest possible time. LWSC is working for the promotion of winter sports in Ladakh for the past fifteen years and has established links with national as well as international bodies, said Spalbar.
He also added that LAHDC, Leh has been actively working for the betterment and development of District in all spheres. The development activities include communication, economy, health, education and sustainable development through agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture, tourism etc. One of the important spheres of development is education which includes physical education. In this regard, LAHDC is providing all necessary assistance for the promotion of winter games in Ladakh. Ice Hockey has become one of the important winter activities as well as an attraction for winter tourism in the region.
Tony Kretzschmar, Ambassador, Ice Hockey Ladakh handed over a cheque of Rs. 75000 to President of LWSC, Leh N A Gyapo and assured to assist LWSC, Leh in all the possible way.
Vice President of LWSC Tsering Mutup said that the way Ice Hockey game has progressed in Ladakh is beyond imagination and thanked LAHDC, Leh for giving opportunity to LWSC in carrying out the construction work of ice hockey rink in Leh.
The MoU in due considerations of various aspects have arrived at the understandings in order to promote the game of Ice Hockey/Skating and completion, operation, maintenance, utilization and upkeep of the Rink. The expert committee consisting of three members each from partner shall be constituted to see the management of the Rink, selection of the team, permission, fixation of rent, coaching and conduct of tournament etc.
The Rink and other facilities shall be allowed to utilize by all the Ladakhi players both male and female. The Education and District Youth Services department shall be allowed to use the facilities without any objection, obstruction and impediments keeping in view the overall promotion of the game.
The stakeholders shall complete all the remaining works of the Rink with its best possible efforts within five years by mobilizing funds without assigning any excuse or reason. The work shall be completed in phased and logical manner. In case the work could not be completed within a period of five years, then the five year period and duration of completion shall be extended for another five years with mutual consent of the partners, if enough and reasonable ground is shown for delay of completion within the stipulated period of five years.