‘Back to Village’ programme carried out in Kargil
In connection with the "Back to Village" programme, Kargil district conducted various activities on June 23. Public interactions, registering of grievances about the implementation of various schemes, inspection of public utilities, awareness camps and other allied activities were carried out.
Out of the 98 Gram Panchayats in the district ‘Back to Village’ programme have already been completed in 53.
Baseer ul Haq Choudhary, DC Kargil who is personally monitoring the programme urged all designated officers to ensure implementation of the programme on ground. He said that public participation is must in implementation of various programmes and welfare schemes.
Various issues with regarding the development of the villages with the officers were raised seeking their intervention for early redressal.
Meanwhile, plantation and cleanliness drives were held at Gram Panchayat Panikhar, Badgam, Apati and Chokiyal Drass.
Back to Village leaflets were also distributed among villagers and Social Audit Committee was constituted at Gram Panchayat Chokiyal.
The day was also marked by the holding of Womens Gram Sabha and issuance of job cards at Apati, Gram Sabha at GP Chokiyal and GP Minjee besides Women Gram Sabha meeting at GP Panikhar.
The officers informed the PRI members and villagers about various developmental programmes and schemes initiated by the government for the overall development of the rural areas. Also, spoke about the centrally sponsored and state-run schemes for the welfare of the public.
The participants put forth various demands related to the power and water supply, banking facilities, installation of transformers, construction of approach roads, supply of HT/LT, polls, old-age pensions, ration cards, registration of laborers, establishment of sheep and animal husbandry centers, construction of playgrounds and conservation of water resources, besides proper implementation of central and state-sponsored schemes.