70th Army Day observed to pay homage to soldiers

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent LEH, Feb 02, 2018
With great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor, Army day was celebrated by paying homage and salute to the brave soldiers on January 15 at War Memorial, Leh.

SK Upadhya, Lieutenant General, General Officer Commanding, Fire & Fury Corps laid the wreath and paid homage to the martyrs of Ladakh region.  All ranks of Fire and Fury Corps and Leh Garrison were present for the wreath-laying ceremony.

Addressing the gatherings, Lieutenant General SK Upadhya, GOC Fire and Fury Corps talked about the importance of the day.

The day is in recognition of Lieutenant General Kodandera M Cariappa. On January 15, 1949, Field Marshal Kodandera M Cariappa took over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander-in-Chief.
A movie was screened on the day at Rinchen Auditorium followed by felicitation of Veer Naris and Veterans.

The celebrations concluded with social interaction and renewal of bonhomie amongst the serving soldiers and Veer Naris, Veterans, and civil dignitaries.