118 young soldiers join Ladakh Scouts Regiment

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent GUPUKS, Nov 15, 2017
A total of 118 well trained young soldiers hailing from all regions of Ladakh took the oath to serve the nation on November 11 at Ladakh Scouts Regiment Centre, Leh.

The ceremony was conducted in consonance with the highest traditions of the Indian Army and was reviewed by Lieutenant General SK Upadhya, GOC, Fire and Fury Corps.

Congratulating the young recruits, Lieutenant General SK Upadhya, GOC, Fire and Fury Corps, encouraged them to strive hard in pursuit of excellence in all spheres and to devote their life in service to the Nation.

He also congratulated the proud parents to have motivated their wards to join the regiment and complimented the Ladakh Scouts personnel for their outstanding performance in all spheres and their exceptional valour and sacrifice while upholding the sovereignty of the Nation.

The young Riflemen were awarded medals for their outstanding performance during the training and Gaurav Padak to those parents who are either serving or have served in the Army and whose wards joined the Regiment.