Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Diskit (Nubra)
By Rinchen Angmo Chumikchan & Stanzin Dasal
Aug 17, 2016

Leh :
The problem of Diskit constituency of Nubra starts right from the very famous and the highest motorable road in the world, Khardongla Top. The toilet at Khardongla Top is in a very filthy and bad condition which is maintained by the army. There is a desperate need for a public convenience at Khardongla as it is the main water source for the people of Leh. The present condition is really pathetic and polluting the water source. Same is the case with North Pullu.
Like the rest covered constituency, the problem of drinking water is the main problem in this constituency also. Khardong village complaint about the polluted streams at North Pullu which is the main source of drinking water for the whole Nubra. The water has been polluted by army labourers near the streams at Spang Chenmo area. The primary school has no kitchen and people also ask for the compound walling of the school.
The middle school of Rasermo has no drinking water facility and also complaint about short teaching faculty. There is no Urdu and Bhoti teaching faculty and people express the need for medical aid center. The link road to Rasermo was in progress since 9 years but work is still incomplete.
The medical sub-centre at Khardong has no ambulance and the medicine stock gets short in peak season because there is a heavy influx of tourist and many casualties come up.
The village Khalsar is one among the worst affected by the 2015 flood. The streams, headworks and the bridges were washed away and damaged. No work has been carried out to repair the stream.
Diskit village being the headquarter lacks basic amenities. People complain about the limited Radio and Doordarshan signal. The hospital of Diskit is of 15-20 bedded which needs to be upgraded for almost 50 beds because of the increasing number of patients since it is the main hospital of the Nubra. There is also a need to replace the old wooden electric poles.
Living in the 21st century we still have a village like Rongdo, Khyungru, Runjuk, Agam, Kongto and Labab in Nubra where there is no electricity. Repair of the bridge of Rongdo village is again one of the prime demands of the people.
Villages like Rongdo, Khyungru,Agam are living in short of the ration as it has not been distributed from 3 months. These people have to pay around 500 for the transportation to get the food supply from the Digar which becomes expensive than the cost of the ration. The mobile network is again one among the demands of the people since only the DSPT’s are working.
From the past 15 to 20 years the roads of village Khema is unmaintained which is a matter of concern for the 20 families residing out there. Since there is no medical aid centre it becomes very difficult to get medical help in case of emergency.
Digar and Tangyar village has no mobile network connectivity; people depend on DSPT's which is also very irregular. Blacktopping of the internal road of Digar is again one of the demands of the people. The middle school is also in short of teaching staff.
Electricity problem persists in Tangyar village as it is not sustainable. People of the village are fully dependent on the agriculture and livestock. The concern is to get some government schemes to promote and improve the livelihood of the people. In 2015, flood 4-foot bridges have been washed away and till now no restoration has been done.
Councilor: Tsering Angchok: A proper project and a solution are very much needed for the sanitation and public conveniences at Khardong la top and North Pullu. The settlement of army labours near streams is again an issue because they pollute the water which is the source of drinking water for the many villages in Nubra. I have raised the issue with army many times but the problem still persists.
The mobile network tower will be solved in some of the villages under the installment of 50 BSNL towers in Ladakh region.
For the channelization and protection bandh on Khalsar streams, a tender was flout but the contractor didn’t take it seriously because of the liabilities.
The drinking water issue is very big in Pharka village and PHE has assured to take up this matter and work on the pipelines. I will be working with all effort to solve the water issues of the village.
For the non-electrified areas, I took up this matter with an NGO and hopefully, soon they will be visiting the places.
I am planning on to work for the sustainable development. This is a big thing but I will be stressing on the promotion of own indigenous products of respective areas and also strengthening the old culture and heritage. Unity and integration among the people of Nubra valley is very important.
I will be working on to develop the barren lands for the development of the people and the Nubra valley. On my priority basis, I will be working on the construction of Rongdo Bridge and Khema road since it is very important. Villages like Tangyar , Digar and Khardong also raises Pashmina goat and Yak but schemes like P3 Pashmina Promotion Programme has not been received.
People lack basic amenities including healthcare, road connectivity, drinking water, electricity, education and irrigation for its development.
The villages in this constituency are scattered and the problem of every village goes with a long list. But the matter of concern among all these issues is the non -electrified villages. In today’s world, we still have some villages where there is no electricity.
People face the problem because of the lack of proper roads and communication. Drinking water issues is also not new in this constituency also. Councillor Tsering Angchok is set to work on some major works on a priority basis. With the heavy influx of tourism in Nubra valley every year, no one took serious note of the need of public conveniences at Khardongla top.