Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Saspol Constituency
By Stanzin Dasal & Kunzang Chorol
Sep 02, 2016

Leh :
In this issue, we are with Saspol Constituency of Sham region. After interacting with all the Sarpanch, Gobas and members of the different villages of the constituency many issues regarding connectivity, water and education came up.
Likir and Ulley village are living with a huge problem of telecom connectivity. People of Likir expressed the desperate need for better telecom connectivity because of the problem faced due to the lack of proper facilities. Though they have a mobile tower with a poor service which does not even covers all parts of the village and in addition to it the landline service is a big question. People complain about the registration amount of ₹ 500 which they have submitted a long time back but no service have been provided. They strongly stress on the need of better landline facilities at least.
High school Liker has no teaching staff for Urdu and Mathematics subjects. The posts have been vacant since March 2016, till now the subjects have been taught by other teachers on the adjustment basis. While interacting with the students of class 10th they said it will be better for us if we have a teacher specialised in the particular subjects.
As per information from the people the school has been upgraded as High secondary but has not been implemented yet. Around 27 students from Likir travels and study at High Secondary school, Saspol.
Blacktopping and proper levelling of link road are another important demand of Liker and Ulley villagers.
The prime concern of the Saspol is the water issue for both drinking and irrigation purpose. They have depended on the same water source of Likir and Saspochey. Because the two villages are near the source , Saspol gets less quantity of water. The shortage of water at times resulted in small fights among them. Second and the long-pending demand of the people is the full-fledged office building for the Tehsil.
Talking about the education, High Secondary school does not have Urdu teaching staff because of which the admission for Urdu has been stopped for class 11th. Lack of classes is yet another problem faced by the student.
The pipeline in Saspochey needs to be replaced with the broader one in order to provide adequate water facilities to everyone. The blacktopping of the link road and the headwork repair is a must.
In Ulley, the problem of water is worse in winters because of no hand pumps. People get water from half a kilometre away from the village.
The problem of irrigation water is of prime concern in Hemis Shukpachan .
The irrigation canal needs to be restored permanently to get sufficient water. Medical sub-centre has been upgraded as primary Health Centre but has not been implemented yet. Presently the sub-centre faces short of medicine. Village also felt the need of animal husbandry at earliest.
Councillor Tsering Wangdus: Talking about the telecom connectivity, the issue has been taken up at a high level during our visit to Delhi. From there we have got an assurance that a team will come and conduct the survey on this matter. We have already identified a hill behind Likir Monastery for the installation of Mobile tower so that maximum and almost all the area of Likir will be covered. The problem of the landline is faced because of the breakdown of OFC Cable during road construction. I have taken this problem to the BSNL and he assured to restore at the earliest.
Lack of teaching staff in schools was not brought into my notice by any of the village head as well as V.E.C. I will definitely look into the matter and take action immediately. I will also look into the Classroom shortage in Saspol High secondary school and take necessary action.
Blacktopping of the road from Likir monastery is the plan for this year. Modi granted a special fund of ₹ 2000 crores for J&K out of which ₹ 30 crores is for Leh. The idea is to distribute the amount to the entire councillor for blacktopping of the roads.
Tehsil office in Saspol matter is in Court and the action can be taken after the court’s decision. As far as the transfer and substitutes of Tehsildars in Saspol, I have taken up and requested DC and Tsering Dorjay, Minister for Cooperatives, J&K in a meeting for the posting of Tehsildar and Block development officer at the earliest, hope this will be considered soon.
Water problem has been the biggest issue ever since in Saspol, installation of a submersible pump in between of 8 to 9 families is the only temporary solution.
Lack of proper irrigation canal causes water leakage in Hemishukpachan. For the temporary restoration of this canal, I gave ₹ 5000 personally to buy polyethene in order to stop water leakage.They have worked on this and is successful for a time being until it is not restored permanently. For the permanent restoration of the canal, I am going to visit the site with an engineer’s soon and hopefully will also find a solution to this.
However on the shortage of medicine supply, I guess there is a very good facility in Hemishukpachan in terms of medical. There is an NGOs who work in this region for medicine and health. But I will look forward to solving such problems. Animal husbandry is a long demand of Hemishukpachan and I have a plan to review it soon.
For the overall and sustainable development of the constituency, I am working very positively and focusing on the agriculture. Every effort will be made to make the farmers cultivate crops in which they have potential.
The constituency has a huge scope in agriculture if taken seriously. We have a village like Saspol where the farmers cultivate two crops in a season.
Then again the issue of water is also not new. Lack of water is a matter of concern. Today when we talk about digital we came across a village where the landline is also not in service. What is more surprising is the schools of Saspol and Likir, students are coping up and studying without Maths and Urdu teaching staff and surprisingly it never came into the light to the Councillor. From March 15 no concern teachers for the particular subjects of Maths and Urdu has been posted.
Along with all the developmental work, it is equally important to take such issues seriously not only by the department and concerned authorities but by the people and students also.