Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
By Kunzang Chorol
Mar 18, 2017

Leh :
Hunder constituency is the largest constituency among all the others of the Nubra valley and is 130 km away from Leh town. Fastan village, the most backward area in Hunder constituency has no road and medical aid center facility.
The village in this constituency lacks telecommunication service. Maximum of the villages are depended on DSPT. However, in Hunder there is a mobile tower but has a poor network.
Fastan, Sunudo, Rakuru, Skuru, Shukur village does not have medical aid centre thus compelling the people to visit another village for medication.
In Largyab and Largyab Yokma, there is a need for three bridges to connect each other. People do not have the power supply and are depended on solar power. The populations are mostly engaged in livestock rearing especially Yak and absence of animal husbandry centre in their area is a problem for them. In Pachathang, there is no electricity. Link road to school is also needed.
Drinking water problem is there. In Udmaro, there is a need of proper leveling of school playground and bridge.
In Hunderi, there is a need for a bridge between Udmaro and Hunder which will connect Udmaro, Hunder and Shukur village. It will also benefit the pilgrimage to Sham Gonbo. There is a need of protection bandh at Shayok River as it poses threat to the field, trees, and land of people. The people also face drinking water problem as they depend on Shayok River for it.
Hunder is the main tourist attraction in Nubra valley, there is a need of public toilet and dustbin in several tourist spots, there is a need of blacktopping to the link road. Because of a low range of network, there is a problem of communication. Drinking water is again a problem in Hunder. In Hunder Ombay also there is a need for link road and medical centre. Drinking water is again a problem here.
In Hunder Dok, there is no road and there is a need of bridge on Wachen stream which will connect Wachen and dok. Most of the people are depending on agriculture and need compound walling for the field as it is damage by wild animals. There is a need of proper facilities like the toilet in the trekking route.
Skampuk and Partapur being near to the army cantonment faces dog menace as there are many dogs in the area. The link road is needed in both the villages. The community hall, toilet, and infrastructure in school are needed in Skampuk. The residents are demanding a multipurpose hall in high school Partapur, and handpump in Parta-Thang. The community hall, toilet and compound walling for school are also needed in Waris.
However in Terchey, the head work needs to be strengthened, drinking water and network problem are also there in Terchey.
Councilor, Kunzang Lotus: I have set education as the main priority, there is a need for infrastructure development in many schools and I am going to work on it through CCDF fund. For the proper running of govt. school, I have requested the parents to enroll their children in it. The winter tuition has been organised through CCDF.
However, in road connectivity, I have submitted many plans and also get sanctioned some in which the work are going on. The road to Rakuru and Fastan has been sent under CRF and paperwork is going on. The three Bridge in Largyab has been taken up and going to start the work in the coming summer under PMGSY.
For the road in Hunder Dok, the first phase has been completed in the past years and the second phase of road construction has been proposed. The 2 km link road in Pachathang has kept in the plan for ₹ 2 Lakh and start in March.
The link road in Hundar village is going on under Projectization. The classroom in Terchey School has been dismantling and is under construction at the cost of ₹25 lakh.
For drinking water problem I have taken up with the PHE department and they assure to help for pipelines and handpump. In Terchey, I have installed bore well and build a dam in the school campus.
A medical centre in Fastan, Rakuru, Skuru, Shukur has been taken up and hopefully it will get approve in a phased manner.
In our constituency the major problem is the canal, there is a need to strengthen and construction of a new canal in many villages. I have sent DPRs for several canals in different villages, till today three canals, Hundar, Skampuk and Udmaro canal get approved and the work is going to start soon.
For Hundar canal, a DPR of worth ₹ 10.97 crores, Skampuk a DPR of ₹ 9.88 crores and Udmaro canal a DPR of worth ₹ 4.30 crores got approved under PMKSY.
In Partathang, a canal with DPR of worth ₹11.00 crore for the development of land, Bikudho Waris ₹ 6.50 crores, Largyab canal ₹ 5.80crores, Terchey canal ₹15 crore, Hunderi ₹ 9.10 crore has been proposed and DPR is yet to be submitted.
Earlier, Sunodo was not included in the BADP program, and we included it last year. Under BADP fund, a project for the canal of which the DPR of worth ₹10 lakh is going on in Sunodo.
For the protection bandh in the stream of Waris, the project of ₹10 lakh work is going on. Under BADP we have got ₹ 15 lakh for Fastan road and going to construct it as per the fund.
Through Rural development, the project work of 5 lakh for construction of the canal in Udmaro, Committee hall construction in Terchey and community hall in Hunderi is going on. The work for the footpath in Skampuk is also going on under it.
Conclusion: Like most of the constituency, Hundar constituency also faces the same problem of telecommunication and drinking water. In the field of education, most of the school has been shut due to lack of students. The councillor has set education as a priority and working for proper running of govt. school. Hunder being the centre of attraction for tourist needs public toilet which is very important as well as to keep the health and environment clean. Toilets are also needed in many of the schools in this constituency and in trekking route of Hunder Dok. The concerned department should take a look and work on it.