Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Constituency: Basgo
By Stanzin Dasal & Pal Thiksay Gobi
Aug 17, 2016

Leh :
Basgo constituency comprises 5 villages namely. Taru, Umla, Nimo, Bazgo and Ney. The whole constituency faces a major problem of drinking water facilities. Villages like Taru and Umla complained about the presence of insects in the streams. Despite taking this matter to the concerned department no action has been taken up seriously. Lack of drinking water is one of the serious issues which need to be solved in the whole constituency.
The devastating flood has changed the whole scenario of Ladakh. Yet, we find another concern about the permanent restoration of the streams and head works. It is a second important issue which has to be carried up on an important basis. Stray dogs have created a danger to the people and livestock of Nimmo and Basgo. Despite the complaints about the issue, no action has been taken.
Another major problem is the wooden decayed electric poles in the villages like Umla, Basgo. The poles need to be replaced with the new one because the old and poor condition of the poles proves to be very dangerous. People of Umla have registered the complaint 2 years ago in this regard but no response was made till now.
Tsering Norboo, Councillor: The prime issue and the matter of concern in my constituency is the problem of drinking water. This is the major issue which needs to be solved at the earliest and I am focusing on this also. This is not a new issue it has been from a long time ago. The department has worked on this issue and the problem comes up is that the water does not come out after the installation. This created some problem regarding the payment of the work. Liabilities in the department are one of the reasons for the late response.
I have been taking up this issue always and trying level best to get it solved. This year 2 hand pumps will be installed each for Taru and Basgo.
About the replacement of the electricity pole, the matter has been taken up hopefully it will be done because this comes under PDD. The PDD and NHPC issue are there in Basgo.
Constant change in climate every year has created a huge problem. The restoration work has been carried out wherever needed. Many NGO’s has extended their help and support in all the work. In the village like Taru, tremendous work has been carried out by TISS. These works are unending looking at the climate change in Ladakh and I personally feel that the work has been done better than nothing and it is not a major issue.
The stray dog menace is an issue which needed an ultimate solution. The growing number of dogs is because of the army settlements and other things. We have tried sterilizing the dogs but it does not prove very successful. After the incidence of women killed by dogs, many turned up to kill dogs but later on it was stopped because of many reasons.
The problem will arise if people do not cooperate also collectively. It is very important to have understanding and co-ordination.
The land issue with the army was also there for a very long period. For this, a letter has been sent to the DC again.
Because of some issues with the people itself the school of Basgo was not being able to shift to the new building. But this will not entertain for so long, the new building was constructed with a vision and planning to shift the old one which will be done.
The restoration work in streams and headwork’s are in process. As I said earlier the problem will persist if we talk about the permanent restoration. The temporary work is the only solution looking at the climatic condition and funds also. For permanent restoration, the demand has been put forward but it has no assurance whether it can be done at the earliest or not this is because many such demands from various areas are there.
My focus was on education always and I am working on it to make it better. About the allocation of CCDF, I have always distributed it to the place where it is needed the most. The funds for the development of constituency is used seeing the priority and preferences, I never believed or distributed it with an intention to keep everyone happy with money.
After looking at the whole scenario and listening to the people of all villages, Lack of drinking water is a serious issue which all the villages are facing. The issue needs to be taken up seriously.
The water of Taru and Umla needs to be taken up for the test. People of Taru complained and also took the water for a test to the department but no action has taken up because they said they don’t have a machine for the test. The medical and education sector has no complaints till yet.
“Lack of funds” is again an answer for any developmental projects.
Councilor Tsering Norboo plans to take up education sector as a top most priority. The funds will be utilized according to the needs. He said it is very important to have understanding and coordination among the people to make everything better rather than playing a blame game.
Schemes like MGNREGA are very beneficial if people take the benefit very sincerely. This helps the people to get their work done and get paid also. The only thing is hard work and sincerity towards the work.