Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Chuchot constituency
By Stanzin Dasal & Kunzang Chorol
Aug 17, 2016

Leh :
Like the rest of the constituencies the problem of drinking water exists in Chuchot also. A tank worth ₹5 crores was constructed by the government which proves a failed project because of the inadequate water supply. Because of the project the installation of submersible and Hand pumps has been stopped. Today many of the families are not getting water from the tank; people are suffering from drinking water scarcity. They take water from the old hand pumps which are contaminated as proven by the doctors. People are left with no choice other than using it.
From the last 10 years, people of Mangal Chowk at Chuchot Gongma demands medical aid centre. No concern was shown on this regard due to which sick people travel to the medical aid centre of Lungtong village.
The road has been built but the side walling and at some place blacktopping are incomplete. The side walling is incomplete from the last five years which leads to more accident cases. Rough road with no blacktopping increase the problem for the people because the cab drivers refuse to travel on the bad unmaintained roads. From Shazhing area to Yarlok village there is a need of Blacktopping.
Demand for protection bandh over River Indus is again the biggest and main demand of the people. Due to increase in water level during the flood of 2015, the river has diverted towards village. Construction of protection bandh at the vulnerable sites at the earliest is very important to control the river to penetrate inside the village which causes a threat to the villagers. The rise of water level covered and washed away the forest land. The river is expanding year by year, proper steps and control measure at the earliest is very important to protect the land of farmers.
Katdung needs protection bandh is needed at earliest as the water got diverted towards the village land. There is a need of protection bandh at river Shazhing Bachulam as the river of Matho proved to be dangerous for the people of Chuchot Gongma.
No bridge between the completed roads of Shazhing to Thiksay seems useless. Constructing a bridge can help to minimize the traffic congestion. The bridge of Shashi has been washed away by the flood last year. Restoration of the bridge will reduce the traffic on the main roads especially during the preaching time in Hemis and Thiksay.
In Chuchot Yokma II people are tired of taking their request to everywhere about the training repair and improvement of Stok-Nallah Chuchot. During the flood of 2015, Chuchot nallah has been washed away and the water lodged in the agricultural land causing a huge damage to some of the residence. The water was controlled at that time but till now no funds has been sanctioned and serious concern was given on this issue. There is an immense vulnerability of water lodging again this season.
Zamchung area is in danger or a prone area to be washed away if the water level of the Indus increases as all the protection bandh executed during the last year was washed away. Thus people requested a protection bandh on the priority basis.
Another issue is the slaughter house in Chuchot which is posing a big threat to the people residing nearby. People stopped rearing livestock as dog kills them. This place has become a breeding ground for the dogs. People complain about the dog bite cases also. The unhygienic open slaughter house is one of the serious concerns which the people demands to shift away from the residential area.
People are tired of taking their demands and problems and getting only one answer, “no funds” from the departments.
Councilor, Mumtaz Hussain: The blacktopping of the road which is covered with material soiling will be road completed after two months. Side walling of the road is the main problem as it becomes thinner because it was left during the road construction for this I will be taking up this matter. As the side walling of Mangal, Chowk road is concerned it has remained pending so I am going to take up the matter soon.
For drinking water issues I have taken up the problem and demanded tanker once in every week. The tanker has been deployed but I have got complaint from the people that the tanker comes after ten days. I am going to take up this issue also as soon as possible and will solve the problem. The supply of hand pumps and submersible was stopped because of tank which was built for ₹ 5 crores. I have complaint about it inadequate water supply and demanded for submersible pumps.
Three things have been taken up which also includes the double road of Choglamsar Bridge. For which ₹30 crores was released for Leh district by Transport minister particularly for road building, from which ₹ 4 crores was sanctioned and the DPR was also submitted for the double road of Choglamsar Bridge. After the completion of the double road of Choglamsar Bridge, the work of Thiksay to Shazhing Bridge will be taken up. For Shashi Bridge, a DPR of ₹29 lakh has been submitted and recently got tendered the work will be carried soon.
For the protection bandh I have also taken up this issue to Irrigation and Flood Control but the lack of fund there is a problem. As this is a very serious matter which needs to take up on a priority basis, I am going to spend money from the CCDF for the temporary restoration. For the permanent restoration CEC, Dr. Dawa assured us that the TATA TRUST will work for it which will take two to three years to complete. Within one week the temporary restoration of the river in Chushot Yokma is going to start by IFC. Temporary restoration of the river will be completed by July 12.
Another problem our constituency is the lack of Tehsildar, people have to travel to Leh for the signature of the Tehsildar. I have raised this issue and Revenue minister, Abdul Haq gave assurance that the post will be filled as soon as possible.
As for the protection bandh at Shazhing Bachulam I have taken up and took a stock of it with the Executive Engineer of the department but the work will be carried during the uncultivable season as there is no accessibility of roads and the work will be carried through fields which are cultivated.
As far as the slaughter house problem there is a need of area to be shifted. The area was given by government many years ago. I will talk to the committee of the butcher house and if there is a possibility to get the area, we will meet them to shift away from residential area.
As far as the dog problems for the people residing near the slaughter house is a concern I am planning to solve by Animal Birth Control or sterilizing the dogs and will also take steps to build the compound walling.
After talking with the Sarpanch of different halqa of Chuchot, the problem is water and the biggest concern is the need of protection bandh. Training, repair, and improvement of Stok Nallah –Chuchot is of prime concern because it is vulnerable to water lodge over the agricultural lands if the water increases in the stream. The application has been submitted many times but no concern was shown. For every problem and request, there is the only answer from the department “Lack of Funds.” Councillor Mumtaz Hussain is planning to solve the issue with the temporary restoration. An open slaughter house in the residential area is the serious matter of concern but no one shows any keen interest in resolving this issue.