Cultural revival workshop & language awareness camp concludes at Balti Bazaar, Kargil

The week-long Cultural Revival Workshop and Language Awareness Camp jointly organized by LAHDC, Kargil and Ladakh Cultural Academy Kargil concluded at Balti Bazaar, Kargil on March 19.
The initiative was aimed to revive the old cultural heritage of Kargil, Ladakh by promoting cultural awareness and language preservation. The week-long camp witnessed almost 30 participants and four experts were engaged for the workshop.
Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Sheikh Nazir Mehdi Muhammadi, President of Anjuman Jamiyat Ullama Isna Ashriya Kargil (AJUIAK) emphasized the importance of preserving the rich culture and language of Kargil. He highlighted the significance of the Balti Language and its importance in today's world, especially for the younger generation.
Muhammad Ali Ashoor, President of Balti Association in the Himalayas expressed happiness over the participation of trainees from different age groups and asserted the importance of cultural preservation and communal harmony.
Nazir Hussain, Deputy Secretary, LAACL Kargil stated that the LAACL and Hill Council, Kargil are committed to making all concerted efforts for the promotion and conservation of the rich cultural heritage of Kargil according to the uniqueness of Kargil, Ladakh.
Other prominent personalities who were present on the occasion include Padma Shri awardee Akhone Asgar Ali Basharat, Senior citizens, Akhone Mohd Ali, Muhammad Sadiq Hardass, Aga Sayed Raza Rizvi, Akhone Mohd Ali Suboour, Haji Hamid Hor, Shamim Lchangra, Mohd Asgar Lchangra, Bashir Wafa, workshop instructors, trainees, and cultural enthusiasts also attended the event at Hardass.
Cash prizes and certificates were distributed among all the participants by the chief guest and other dignitaries.