World Water Day observed in Leh ADC asks PWD department to give exposure-tours to students about decreasing glaciers and artificial

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent LEH, Mar 30, 2018
World Water day under the theme ‘Nature for Water’ organised by PHE Division, Leh under Capacity & Communication Development Unit (CCDU) was also observed on March 22 in Leh.

Moses Kunzang, ADC, chief guest said that the conservation and proper use of water will be the most important issue in coming decades. 

He requested PHE department to make it activity based and incorporate interactive and innovative sessions where students can be given exposure tours to decreasing glaciers and artificial glaciers. 

He further urged upon the participating students to be an ambassador of change and asked them to educate their family and friends about purification of water in more innovative ways and use the internet to learn about water-related issues. 

Dr. Iqbal spoke about the importance of clean drinking water for a healthy life and various diseases caused by the contaminated water.

N.N. Raina, Xen PHE spoke about the invaluable nature of water and the good practice followed by our ancestors in making proper use and conservation of water.
Mohd Abbas, Divisional Forest Officer, Leh, Wangail Phuntsog, AEE and students of Boys higher secondary school also spoke on the occasion.

Demonstration on water quality test was also shown to the students.