Training imparted to grow and conserve Juniper in Leh

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent LEH, Aug 29, 2018
A two-day training programme on ‘Seed and Nursery techniques of Juniper and important medicinal plants of Cold Desert Region’ was held on August 20 and 21 at Cold Desert Field Research Station-cum-Van Vigyan Kendra.

The training was organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla, in collaboration with the Jammu & Kashmir Forest Department. Thirty participants including frontline field staff from Leh and Kargil forest divisions and progressive farmers from Leh attended.

Dorjey Motup, CEC, inaugurated the programme by planting a seed of Juniper in the Cold Desert Field Research Station-cum-Van Vigyan Kendra, Leh premises.

Dorjay Motup said that Juniper is a very pious plant in cold desert and plays a very important role in the ecology of the region. He appreciated the efforts made by the Scientists of HFRI, Shimla in breaking the seed dormancy of Juniper and successfully establishing nursery stock of this species.  He thanked the Director, HFRI for providing training to the field functionaries of Leh and  Kargil Forest Divisions and hoped that the participants will learn the practical aspects of growing and conserving Juniper and important high altitude medicinal plants. 

He further stressed that the state forest department of J&K will work together with HFRI, Shimla in implementing various standardized techniques developed in the forestry sector for conserving the fragile ecosystem of the cold desert.

Dr. Sandeep Sharma, Senior Scientist, HFRI, Shimla said that the institute will supply Juniper seedlings raised at HFRI nurseries in Himachal Pradesh to the state forest department, J&K to establish a demonstration plot on trial basis in the Ladakh region.

A presentation on modern nursery techniques and production of quality stock for productivity enhancement and commercial cultivation of important high altitude medicinal plants species was given.

Pitamber Singh Negi, Scientist, HFRI, Shimla, who has developed seeds and nursery technology of Juniper elaborated in details right from its seed collection to the establishment of nursery stock and plantation. Mohammad Abbas, DFO, Leh spoke about the scenario of natural regeneration of Juniper and other cold desert species and its importance to the Ladakh region.

On the last day, Tsering Angdu, EC, Agriculture planted a seedling of Juniper. He appreciated the efforts of HFRI for their proactive efforts in developing the nursery technique of juniper and organizing such kind of training in the Ladakh region. 

He extended all support of the Hill Council in future for the research activities developed by HFRI, Shimla for the benefit and interest of Ladakh region.
Dr. Sanjeev Chauhan, Incharge, ICAR-CAZRI centre, Leh, talked about Salix: an important cold desert species, propagation techniques, and its role in livelihood generation and economic importance to the people of Ladakh region. He also spoke about organic farming, composting and vermi-composting techniques.
The participants were taken for a field visit at ICAR-CAZARI, Leh centre where Dr. Sanjeev Chauhan and Jigmet Stanzin elaborated various field and nursery activities particularly exotic grasses for agri-silviculture and locally fabricated implements for modernizing traditional agricultural practices. They also visited high-tech nursery of SKAUST-K at Stakna where Dr. Anil Kumar, scientist, oriented greenhouse/ polyhouse and trench cultivation techniques for vegetables and horticulture crops.