PAGIR completes 9 years, celebrates its achievements 45 specially-abled persons reported from Lalok

By Rinchen Angmo Chumikchan SABOO, Mar 16, 2016

People’s Action Group for Inclusion and Rights celebrated its 9th Founding Day on 12 March at PAGIR office, Saboo Thang. Dr Sonam Dawa, Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Leh was the chief guest while Deputy Commissioner, Prasanna Ramaswamy G and SSP, T Gyalpo were the Guests of Honour.

Mohd Iqbal, President PAGIR said briefed about the work of People's Action Group for Inclusion and Rights - PAGIR which provides support and job opportunities to the differently abled to make them self-reliant. In his special address, he said: “The whole problem of disability should be looked at the other way. We are not only earning our livelihood but we are doing a lot of things for the society also.'' He said it was important to find ways to give back to society.

The focus of the talk was on how differently-abled people have managed to find success despite all odds.

Dr Dawa appreciates the hard work of the members and said that a provision in District plan budget for differently-abled persons will be kept in future so that their needs can be fulfilled.

Stressing on accessibility for differently-abled persons he said that ramps will be made in the new buildings which are coming up. He appreciated handicraft products made by differently-abled persons using waste papers and clothes and said that he will make it compulsory to sell it to govt offices.  

Chosen to speak about disability Padma Stanzin recited a poem composed by him demanding equal rights & opportunities for the specially abled people. 

Nawang Norboo, Senior Prosecuting Officer, Advisor PAGIR demands a recycle machine so that they can earn their livelihood. He also projected some demands which included reservation in the job, a special school for disabled persons.

Skalzang Norbu, a member of PAGIR informed that there are 45 specially abled people in Lalok village Changthang. 

Earlier, Dr Dawa, DC Prasanna Ramaswamy G and SSP Gyalpo plant trees in the PAGIR premises. 

Various recycle products prepared by the specially-abled persons from waste material were showcased on the occasion.