Orientation course on CCDF, Capex Budget held in Leh
An orientation course on Councillor Constituency Development Fund (CCDF) and District Capex Budget 2020-21 to the newly elected Councilors of 6th LAHDC, Leh was held on November 26 at DC office Conference hall.
Chief Planning Officer, Leh, Tsewang Gyaltson briefed about the Planning, its important components and objectives, funding sources to UT Ladakh including Sector Plans through Directors, Special Development Package, District Capex Budget, and Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS).
He also elaborated on the categorization of the budget under Revenue Budget and Capital budget with three major head including Motor Vehicle, Machinery Equipment, and Major works.
The councilors were also made aware of the Approved Outlay 2020-21, a proposed outlay of 2020-21 with comparison to the previous year's approved outlay and proposed outlay.
ACD, Sonam Norboo, and CPO, Leh also gave a presentation about the Councillor Constituency Development Fund under three heads including Major works, Machinery equipment, and vehicles and new guidelines prepared after the formation of UT in CCDF Revised Guidelines of Councillor Constituency.