Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
One-day farmers' awareness programme held under PMFBY
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Apr 15, 2016

One-day farmer’s awareness programme was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, SKUAST-K under Pradhan Mantri Fazal Bima Yojna, at Stakna Leh on April 11.
Dr. Sonam Dawa Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC Leh thanked KVK SKUAST-K Leh for organizing this awareness programme. He requested farmers to take advantage of the schemes for enhancing their income and profit.
Dr. Dorjay Namgyal, programme coordinator, KVK, Leh spoke on the importance of organizing this awareness programme.
Dr. Lyaqat Ali, subject matter specialist, KVK Leh gave a detail power point presentation on Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana.
Jagmohan Singh, Branch manager , National Insurance Company Ltd, who was the resource person, explained the features of PMFBY and highlighted the benefits of the scheme in terms of low premium, removal of capping on sum assured, quick payment of relief to the extent of 25% sum assured in case of crop failure after showings damage to nurseries, inclusion of coverage of damage due to localized weather events such as drought, hailstorm, unseasonal rains and flood damage, fire, pest attacks and flash floods.
A total of 170 farmers, officers of line departments, block development officers of Leh, Chushot and Kharu, Panch, Sarpanches and Nambardars of different villages attended this occasion.
The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks from Dr. Anup Raj, associate director HMAARI SKUAST-K Leh.