Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Newly- elected CEC, ECs meet DC, Leh Dr Dawa talks on corruption-free society in his introductory meeting
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Nov 11, 2015

Leh :
The formal introductory meeting between the newly elected CEC and ECs of the 5th LAHDC Leh with Deputy Commissioner Leh took place on 10th November morning at the Council Secretariat.
Chief Executive Councillor LAHDC Leh Dr. Sonam Dawa Lonpo, Executive Councilors for Public Works Dorjay Motup, Agriculture & RD Tsering Wangdus, Tourism Tsering Sandup, and Minority & ASH Mumtaz Hussain had a brief introductory meeting with Deputy Commissioner Leh Prasanna Ramaswamy G. at the office chamber of the CEC.
Dr. Dawa welcoming DC Leh reassured the importance of government employees in execution of work for the benefit of the general public and that the new council has full faith in the administration and its employees. However, punctuality and quality of services in all the departments, especially in the fields of health and education sector, should never be compromised, an individual should be accountable of his own work, he asserted.
Speaking about the slowly stretching corruption menace in the society, Dr. Dawa indicated about the stringent action against defaulters.
CEC further said that the council without interfering in the work of the administration will facilitate and work in full cooperation. And that the council expects the same from the administration where both the council and the district administration will supplement one another, he added. Working with full devotion and dedication for the benefit of the district, Dr. Dawa assured that every councilor would emerge as a role model for every citizen of Ladakh.
Talking about the immediate assistance and relief to the victims of the flash flood of August this summer, CEC along with all the ECs stressed on the need to keep the reclamation of agricultural lands and irrigational khuls on priority basis as early as possible as the difficult winter season has already started to freeze everything and that the fields have to be made ready for the next sowing season, to which DC Leh assured of early redress.
DC Leh Prasanna Ramaswamy G appreciating the views of the house assured full assistance and cooperation from the administration in every sense. He further updated the meeting about the part of the funds already distributed among the victims of the flash flood and that the rest will also be distributed accordingly which was delayed due to the recent Council Elections.
Along with the need to the involvement of Sub-Divisional Magistrates in the allocation of funds, the members also had a discussion on the on-going work of Leh-beautification and other works under JNNURM scheme in Leh city among others. A unanimous decision was made for a physical visit to the Leh beautification venues on 12th of this month.
Superintendent Engineer Leh Tashi Chombel was also present in the meeting.