Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Naeem Akhtar stresses on early completion of developmental projects
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Oct 16, 2017

A meeting was chaired by Naeem Akhtar, Minister for Public Works J&K Govt on October 5 at Council Secretariat, Leh. It was held to review the progress of all the major and minor on-going developmental projects, under AMRUT, PMDP, NABARD, CRF, Tribal Sub Plan and PMGSY.
Naeem Akhtar, Minister for Public Works J&K informed that a total of ₹ 42.05 Crore has been sanctioned for all the projects out of which ₹ 5.00 crore has been released and till date, only ₹ 0.80 crores has been spent.
While reviewing the PMDP projects, ₹ 1500.00 lakh was approved for the permanent restoration of infrastructure damaged due to Phuktal river burst in 2015 and for nine projects including five bridges, only ₹ 25.55 Lakh has been spent so far.
The minister expressed great displeasure over the poor progress in AMRUT, PMDP and other flagship projects. He directed all the agencies to bring an immediate change in their work culture and stressed on judicious use of time in completion of the projects in their allotted time. Failing to which will not only lapse the funds but will escalate the project cost and affect the further flow of funds.
He directed Avny Lavasa, DC Leh to be very alert and proactive to chase all the on-going projects and directed to implement a bar chart including a timeline for tendering, material flow chart and fix dateline for completion of all the projects. He went through the entire projects one by one and set a deadline for the completion of all projects.
He instructed LAHDC and DC, Leh to keep strict monitoring on all the on-going works in the district.
However, the Minister appreciated LAHDC, Leh for ongoing macadamization of roads in Leh under ₹ 15.00 crore projects. SE PWD told the minister that out of the 108-kilometre target, a total of 72 km road was macadamized till date. The minister said that road macadamization fund is a non-lapsable fund and flow of funds will continue in future financial years also.
Dr. Dawa, CEC briefed the minister in detail about the on-going projects in Leh and demanded additional funds required for various projects.
Responding to the traffic management problem in Leh, Minister assured to take up the issue with Chief Minister, so that one unit of traffic police could be deployed in Leh during summer months.
The meeting was attended by Executive Councillors Dorjey Motup, TseringWangdus, Mumtaz Hussain and Executive Engineers of different and Tashi Chombel, SE PWD.