Medi Fest Camp launched at Baqirya Health Care and Research Center in Kargil

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent Kargil, Jun 09, 2024
During the Medi Fest Camp at Baqirya Health Care and Research Center in Kargil.
Kargil :

Dr. Mohd Jaffer Akhoon, CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, along with the newly elected Member of Parliament for Ladakh, Mohmad Hanifa, inaugurated the Medi Fest Camp at Baqirya Health Care and Research Center in Kargil on June 8.

The inauguration was attended by Zakir Hussain, Executive Councillor for Education, LAHDC Kargil; Mohd Sharief, Assistant Commissioner Revenue (ACR) Kargil; Dr. Stanzin Namgyal, Medical Superintendent of District Hospital Kargil (DHK); Mukhta Narayan, Director of NGO Special Olympic Bharat; Sajjad Hussain, Coordinator of Rewa Na Kasko; members of Baqirya Health Care and Research Center (BHC&RC); and representatives from various other organizations.

CEC Dr. Jaffer highlighted the Council's achievements in supporting specially-abled students, noting that around 250 students have been registered under a social welfare survey. He emphasized the Council’s commitment to establishing a residential and teaching school equipped with multifaceted facilities, including para-Olympic sports and medical care.

“These children have immense potential, and it is our duty to provide them with the resources they need to thrive,” Dr. Jaffer stated.

Dr. Jaffer also underscored the Council’s vision for enhancing education and medical services in the region. He praised the volunteers of Baqirya Health Care and other organizations for their dedication in serving the community, assuring them full support in their endeavors.

Newly elected MP, Ladakh, Mohmad Hanifa, commended the efforts behind organizing such a meaningful program for special children. He acknowledged the contributions of Baqirya Health Care and Alreza Health Care, congratulating them on their active social engagement in Kargil.

“I assure my full support, not only as an MP but I will work as a team member with all organizations in Kargil working towards better education and health services,” Hanifa affirmed.