L-G launches Ladakh Connect App for Ladakhis outside Ladakh Also launches NAADI platform, and COVID-19 Info & Resource Applications

Three applications including one for registering and providing help and support to Ladakhis staying outside Ladakh was launched by R.K. Mathur, Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh on April 9.
The app Ladakh Connect will be accessible on the url ladakh.connect.gov.in and will be accessible from any internet device.
Lt. Governor also launched NAADI (National Analytical Platform for Dealing with Intelligent Training, Tracking and Containment of COVID-19 Pandemic) application and a COVID-19 Information & Resource website for Ladakh accessible at covid.ladakh.gov.in.
Umang Narula, Advisor to LG; Rigzin Samphel, Commissioner/ Secretary Health; Saugat Biswas, Divisional Commissioner/ Secretary IT, Ladakh and Sachin Kumar, DC/CEO, Hill Council, Leh were present on the occasion. The Director-General C-DAC attended through video conferencing from Pune.
Ladakh is the first Union Territory to launch the NAADI website along with its mobile app in the country. Lt. Governor conveyed his appreciation to the Director-General, C-DAC and his team for the support extended to Ladakh in making the mobile app to be used by the quarantined patients across the region. He expressed optimism over the usefulness of the App for Ladakh and the support of C-DAC in future as required.
Hemant Darbari, Director-General, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing said that NAADI with its mobile apps, 112++ India app for citizens and nCoV Satark App for health agencies would be useful for Ladakh health agencies, administration, government towards proactive decision making and facilitate real-time tracing, tracking and containment of COVID-19.
Lt. Governor lauded the efforts of the IT Department, Ladakh for the initiative in making Ladakh Connect and Ladakh COVID-19 Information & Resource website.
He emphasized on Ladakhis staying outside Ladakh for registration on Ladakh Connect and emphasized on the administration to ensure constant monitoring of their grievances and timely response. He exhorted to upload educational videos, distribution of essential commodities and other important official notifications issued for public information and welfare regarding COVID-19 on Ladakh COVID-19 Information & Resource website.
Saugat Biswas, Secretary IT gave a detail presentation about the Ladakh Connect and Ladakh COVID-19 Information & Resource website prepared by the Department of Information Technology, Ladakh. He apprised Lt. Governor that Ladakh Connect website is for Ladakhis residing outside Ladakh mainly students, patients, stranded passengers, pilgrims, officials and the App is available on the computer and mobile phones.