Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, SKUAST-K, Nyoma, celebrates Mahila Kisan Divas
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Nov 02, 2017

Mahila Kisan Divas was celebrated with the participation of 18 women from nearby villages of Nyoma block on October 15 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, SKUAST-K, Nyoma.
Dr. M.S. Kanwar, Programme Coordinator/Head, welcoming the women folk spoke about the role of women in agriculture with special reference to Eastern Ladakh (Changthang).\
Dr. Kunzes Angmo, Scientist, Rangeland/Ecology said that the predominant occupation of the changpa herders (Agri-silvipastoral) has become the subject of crisis and to the find the solution, Mahila Kisan Divas is a platform.
She urged woman farmers to make a vow on taking various issues of farming seriously and to learn the balanced use of fertilizers, seeds, and application of related farming techniques. Caring for soil is of paramount importance in this reference.
KVK empower the woman farmers through need-based farmers/vocational training programmes so that the socio-economic conditions of the women change.Dr. Anwar Hussain, Scientist, Food Science and Technology briefed people about the nutritional aspects of fruits and vegetables and stressed upon their inclusion in the daily diet.
He encouraged people to grow their own food in order to avoid chemical additives based food items in the market.
Dr. Sonam Spaldon, Scientist, Vegetable Science motivated the folk on growing healthy vegetables, which will not only give them a disease-free life but also increases their household income.
Also, Dr. H.L. Verma, Scientist, Agriculture Extension briefed about Krishi Vigyan Kendra and its main objectives.
Exhibition of farm equipment and their utilization, seeds, veterinary medicines and organic food products were also displayed on the occasion.