Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kargil celebrates World Environment Day

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent Kargil, Jun 06, 2024
Kargil :

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kargil, in collaboration with Girls Higher Secondary School, commemorated World Environment Day on June 5 at Syed Mehdi Auditorium Hall, Kargil.

Chief Education Officer Kargil, S. D. Namgyal, graced the occasion as chief guest. The program commenced with the recitation of the holy Quran, followed by a welcome address by Principal Girls Higher Secondary School, Kargil, Kaneez Fatima. 

The chief guest shared a comprehensive overview of the significance of World Environment Day, with a focus on use of greener technology for achieving sustainability. He hailed the participation of students and considered them the guardians and protectors of mother land.

Dr. Mohd Mehdi Akhone, Chief Scientist and Head of KVK Kargil, delivered a lecture on environmental protection in Ladakh.

He stressed on promoting planting or sowing seeds of plants like Artemisia, globe thistle, wild rose, cotoneaster, etc. in barren hills since these plant species can survive with the least supply of water if taken care of during the first year of planting or sowing and admired sharing the propagation techniques with the stakeholders. 

While highlighting the degradation of the environment, he said that over the past few years, a few defoliating insect pests have emerged in Ladakh, which completely defoliate the trees and eventually lead to the weakening and death of plants.

He said if timely action is not taken, it will devastate the environment, especially in oxygen-deficient places like Ladakh. He urged the students to take this message forward and become beacons of environmental protection. The students should take it as practical work for the collection and destruction of egg mass and pupae during the winter season.

He stressed participants to discourage the use of plastics as they have ill effects on the environment and human health. He also highlighted the importance of local food and urged the participants to grow heirloom varieties. 

Dr. Faizan Ahmed, Head Mountain Agriculture Research and Extension Service, presented a powerpoint presentation and provided valuable insights into burning issues of environment degradation and pollution, desertification, land restoration, and resource conservation, with a focus on drought resilience strategies.

The program was attended by scientists, supporting staff of KVK, students and teachers of Govt. Higher Secondary School Kargil, and media personnel.

Later, the students presented a skit program where they highlighted the importance of trees. The proceeding concluded with interaction and feedback sessions, wherein students raised significant queries that were deliberated on by scientists.

The participants, particularly students and teachers, expressed gratitude to KVK Kargil for their cooperation and wished for more programs in the future. The session concluded with a formal vote of thanks by Mohd Ishaq, senior lecturer at GGHS Kargil.