Kashmir University, Leh campus, enrolls only 13 students in its first batch More courses and intervention needed to run the campus

The Kashmir University satellite Campus, Leh which was inaugurated recently has only 13 students enrolled in the first batch pursuing PG program and run with 11 teaching faculties. It starts functioning from August 7 this year.
The need of the university in Ladakh was a long pending demand of the people and the campus establishment in the year 2012 gave some kind of hope and dreams. But unfortunately, without the intervention of leaders and mismanagement, the dream seems to shatter the hopes of many.
Built at a cost of ₹ 27.40 crores, the campus is spread over an area of 819 kanal with 4 blocks comprising, Arts, Science and Administrative block, residential quarters for faculties and Hostel facilities for the students. The satellite campus offers four courses including M.Sc Applied Geology, MA/M. Sc Geography, MA English, and Tourism and Travel Management.
Less Enrollment
According to the selection Notification No. 16 of 2017, a total of 38 candidates were selected provisionally in the respective programmes for admission in Leh Campus which includes 15 students in Tourism and Travel Management, 12 in Geography, 8 for Applied Geology and 3 for English.
Whereas, the first batch started with only 13 students including 2 in geology, 7 in geography and 4 in Travel and tourism and no students in English course.
Dr. Sonam Dawa, CEC said, “The reason behind less enrollment of the student in the University is because of the distance and less availability of relevant courses.”
The reason behind less enrollment of student was reasoned by many as far location of the campus, unavailability of courses which are mostly in demand, lack of awareness as many still think that it not fully functional and careless attitude of the concerned authorities.
Puneet Johar, Campus Coordinator said, “We are offering best of the infrastructure and facilities here in the campus which has no comparison with others and the only thing needed is the awareness and confidence of locals towards the University”.
Talking about having a campus in Leh he said, “It will relieve parents from incurring a huge cost in sending their children to other states to pursue higher education. One can complete their education staying in the native region.”
“This campus is new and we are hoping for more enrollments in future and this will take some time,” he added.
Rigzin Spalbar, Former CEC, LAHDC, said, “It took very long for them to complete and start the courses during my tenure. I couldn’t follow up the decisions with former VC.”
From some sources, we came to know that some staffs have been somehow involved in discouraging the students not to pursue the courses from the Leh campus.
When asked the Puneet Johar, Campus Coordinator on the issue he said, “We didn’t get any written complaint from the students on this matter.”
Limited options for courses
The campus has been sanctioned for only 4 PG courses which except Geography are not being taught at the Government Degree College, Leh. The local leaders did not prefer UG Courses in Kashmir university campus since it is already offered in Degree College and the need was felt for the PG course.
While on the other hand, the courses that are available in Degree College are not being offered in Kashmir University for Masters Program. This clearly indicates that the setting up of the university with less option available for courses is not fulfilling the hope of the region. This further compels our student to pursue master degree outside the region.
Dorjay Mutup, EC Education said, “ A letter has been submitted to the Advisor to Chief Minister, Prof. Amitabh Mattoo on October 11 in which the introduction of more courses in respect of Government Degree College, Leh was made so that maximum student can take admission in the campus to pursue Master degree.
Dr. Sonam Dawa said, ‘The university role and function directly comes under UGC and the council cannot interfere in its academic decision. But, we are definitely putting every effort and taking up the demand and matters regarding the smooth functioning of the university.”
Tsering Tundup, Assistant Professor Jammu University said, “Now since the campus has already started, the question is how we can make it relevant and beneficial to our students. The courses in the campus should be relevant to this region. Courses like solar energy promotion and research on Pashmina, high-value medicinal plants, local medicinal treatment need to be introduced. This way we will be able to synchronize university education system with society and particularly enclosed land like Ladakh.”
The campus is equipped with good infrastructure but serious intervention is needed to operate it successfully. At present, the newly started campus is facing a lack of permanent staff. The campus is headed by the Rector who hardly stays. Most of the time the rector was not present at the campus and even during the visit of Mehbooba Mufti to the campus he was not there.
Also, there was no record of staff attendance.
After repeated calls to the concerned authority of the university, we were not able to get any response from their side.
When asked about the matter to the Dr. Sonam Dawa, he said, “We have repeatedly requested the Vice Chancellor, Kashmir University for the permanent transfer of the rector and also the teaching faculties. So far we didn’t get any response and still trying and taking up the issue.”
Dorjay Motup added, “A point pertaining to the maximum stay of Rector has been taken up with the CM for the proper functioning of the campus.”
Today, most of the students are pursuing higher education outside Ladakh spending a huge amount of money. The need for the university was felt so that students can stay at their homeland and pursue their education. Kashmir University campus in Leh is a ray of hope for many and there is a need of strong intervention in management of the university.
During an interaction, a student from the University said, “Being far away from the Leh city area the daily conveyance for the classes is an issue. Though the bus is there but is not being operated because of the less strength of the student. Secondly, there is a need of canteen, medical aid, and internet facilities.”
EC Education along with Tsering Sandup, EC Tourism visited the campus in the month of September. “It was very dissatisfactory to see the management of the campus and observed the irresponsible attitude of the concerned people of the university”, EC Education said.
Hopes and Future
The university was established with an aim to provide educational facilities to the people of remote areas like Ladakh region and to develop the socio-economic status. And the new examination policy issued by the University of Kashmir for Ladakh division on October 11 was again a sigh of relief.
The people of Ladakh demanded a Central University but instead of it, a Satellite campus of Kashmir University was established. Many people believe that the demand got diluted with the establishment of Kashmir University campus in Leh. Now, since it is already established there is a further need of assessment regarding the requirements and aspirations of students of this region to cater to their expectation.
Tsering Tundup said, “The state of Jammu and Kashmir presently have 11 universities and Ladakh deserves one university. As University has the potential to provide job to more than 2000 unemployed youth along with education and research work. It has its own multiplier impact on the economy. Ladakh has a potential to start a full-fledged university.”
With the above-stated facts, it seems that nobody is serious about the University and no action and concern have been shown by any of the stakeholders.
It is time for the stakeholders especially in the field of education to look into the matter and find a solution for it.