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Kargil spreads mass awareness during World Aids Day
By Shotopa
Dec 19, 2015

Kargil :
On the occasion of World Aids Day, Science and Technology Department Kargil in collaboration with Health Department organized an awareness programme on AIDS on 2nd December at New Academy Hall, Kargil. Nearly 300 students from Girls Higher Secondary School- Kargil, health workers, volunteers and hundreds of people took part on the day.
The Chief Guest, Executive Councilor for Health Mohsin Ali appreciated the role of Science and Technology Department Kargil and Health Department, Kargil in organizing this awareness programme. He urged the need to hold more such programmes pertaining to AIDS and other fatal diseases in future so as to ensure that a maximum number of people get sensitized.
Mohsin appealed the students to spread the information gained from the awareness programme among their family and locality so that more and more people get aware.
Specialized doctors highlighted the causes, modes of transmission, symptoms, and preventive measures as well several other facets of the disease. Dr. Anwar Hussain Pediatrician, District Hospital Kargil presented the basic data of AIDS as well as its history and present status in India and the global level. He also delivered an introduction of the disease and underlined its modes of transmission. Gynecologist, Dr. Zahra Banoo spoke about the different test and treatment patterns and preventive measures with special reference to HIV in females and pregnant women. Dr. Haji Muhammad Ali, Pathologist briefed about the diagnostic tests, AIDS prevention and control programmes being run across the country besides AIDS pathogenesis.
A debate competition was also held wherein 6 girl students of Girls Higher Secondary School, Kargil took part. A skit entitled 'Natngan' (frightful disease) was also presented by the artists of Ranthak Theatre Group, Kargil.
The same awareness camp was also organized at Bal Ashram Kargil. The awareness lecture was attended by around 60 inmate students and the staff of the ashram besides the staff of Social Welfare Department, Kargil.