His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche unveils 16-Foot bronze statue of Lonpo Tashi Nurbu Dadul Wangchuk in Wanla

By Yangchen Dolma WANLA, Jun 11, 2024
The 16-foot bronze statue of Wanle Lonpo Tashi Nurbu Dadul Wangchuk.

The 16-foot bronze statue of Wanle Lonpo Tashi Nurbu Dadul Wangchuk was consecrated and unveiled by His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche on June 10 at Wanla Monastery. The event was attended by several distinguished guests, including H.E. Rangdol Nyima Rinpoche, H.E. Tulku Sangay, CEC LAHDC Leh Tashi Gyalson, DC Leh Santosh Sukhadeve, and many other dignitaries.

His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche congratulated the villagers of Wanla on the establishment of the statue. He advised devotees, especially the younger generation, to follow the legacy of Wanla Lonchen Tashi Norbu Dadul Wangchuk by staying focused, building self-confidence, showing courage, and helping each other in their daily lives. His Holiness also praised the contributions of all stakeholders, led by the Chairman of LAHDC Leh, in ensuring the successful establishment of the statue, and artist Chemet Dorjey.

Furthermore, His Holiness emphasized the importance of prioritizing education, especially for the youth, and strictly prohibiting gender inequality and caste discrimination. He called upon all religions in Ladakh to work together for prosperity.

CEC Tashi Gyalson expressed his gratitude and appreciation to His Holiness Drikung Skabgon Chetsang Rinpoche for his integral role in the project's inception and for infusing it with spiritual blessings.

He said, “Wanla Lonpo is the identity of Wanla pa’s and today we have successfully honored its profound legacy. The fruition of our efforts over the past year, made possible by the dedicated team under the leadership of young sculptor Chemet Dorjey and Contractor Angdu Gyamtso. Their dedication mirrors the proud spirit of Wanla Lonchen Norbu Dadul Wangchuk overlooking us from the heights of Wanla Monastery.”

“This statue resembles values of courage, wisdom, strength, honesty, and resilience, embodying the enduring legacy of the esteemed Wanla Lonchen Norbu Dadul Wangchuk,” he added.

Gratitude was extended to Prof. Viraf Mehta, a distinguished archaeologist and conservationist, for his invaluable expertise and thorough research contributions to this endeavor. The project's vision is to attract global travelers and establish the entire Sham region as a hub for future heritage preservation initiatives.

Nambardars of Wanla-A and Wanla-B, Skarma Rinchen and Tashi Dorjey Wanla-B, expressed their gratitude and appreciation to everyone for their hard work. They noted that the ambitious project of constructing the statue of Wanla Lonpo was made possible only through the generous support of Advocate Tashi Gyaltson, LAHDC-Leh, Artist Chemet Dorjay, and the unconditional support of villagers, the Sanga Community of the Wanla Gompa, and other well-wishers.

On the occasion, the people of Wanla Phudo, in collaboration with the Cultural Academy Leh, showcased a drama titled “Ju Lonchen Khen,” directed by Padma Shri Morup Namgyal. Students of the Government High School Wanla also presented traditional cultural performances.

Brief History of Lonpo Tashi Norbu

Bagdar Skyabs is said to have settled in Wanla around the 11th century. Fascinated by the beautiful valley with its pure water and lush green trees, he decided to build his residence in Wanla. Inspired by Rinchen Zangpo's founding of monasteries in Alchi, Mangyu, and Sumda in lower Ladakh, he began constructing a castle in Saspol village. He is also said to have traveled to Kashmir with Lama Lotsava Rinchen Zangpo.

During this time, Upper Ladakh was ruled by Gyapa Cho and Lower Ladakh by Cho Bagdar Skyabs. In the 15th century, Lonpo Tashi Norbu, a descendant of Bagdar Skyabs, became the Lonpo of Wanla. Known for his bravery, warrior skills, and miraculous deeds, he became envied by other ministers. During a council meeting at Leh Palace, when no seat was reserved for him, he struck his sword into a pillar and created a seat for himself. It is said that he could travel from Wanla to Leh in a single day. He was married to Yangchen, a daughter of Domkhar Lonpo.

Later, due to instigation by some villagers, the King of Ladakh placed him under house arrest and later took him to Skuru Nubra where he was put to death, but before that he made his last testament saying that he would not take rebirth for 500 years but would appear in an oracle form for the well-being of all beings. This tradition continues to this day and as per the wishes of His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche, the oracular form of the lonpo appears in peaceful form.  Following the aspirations of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche and His Eminence Ladakh Chosje Togdan Rinpoche, the current statue of Wanla Lonpo (16 feet in height) has been commissioned in a wrathful form, riding on a horse.