Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
HH Sakya Rinpoche to visit Matho in the month of June
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Apr 28, 2015

Matho :
His Holiness the Sakya Trizin Dorje Chang Rinpoche is going to visit Matho Monastery in the month of June, 2015.
CEC, LAHDC, Leh Rigzin Spalbar visited under construction site of Matho Photang.
Thinles Tharchin, Sarpanch Matho and Gen. Gamyang Tharchin , President, Matho Gompa briefed the team on the schedule. They said that the proposed 3 to 4 days sermon of His Holiness Sakya Rinpoche at Matho in the month of June.
A memorandum of demand was presented to CEC and Councilor , Stok, Tsering Angchuk. The demands include materializing drinking water facilities, toilet facilities, blacktopping of road up to Photang, repairing of roads from Chushot to Matho, installation of new transformer at Photang site and extension of ST Line and improvement in the mobile network with broadband and WiMAX internet facilities during sermon.
Rigzin Spalbar said that it is the responsibility of the Council to provide basic facilities when such big congregation is going to be held but at the same time he said that without a properly sanctioned plan council cannot take works in hand. However, he directed concerned officers to prepare a project with estimated funds at the earliest which will be submitted to state govt. to the Council for approval.
Team of officers and engineers who accompanied the CEC were Additional S.P Leh T. Gyalpo, Leh Development Authority Dr. Zaida Bano, Exn. PHE Tashi Tundup, Exn Construction Tsering Angchuk, A.D CAPD Sharab Gyaltson, Assitant Director Tourism Mehboob Ali, BDO, Chuchot, BDO, Leh and other concerned officers.
CEC, LAHDC, Leh Rigzin Spalbar visited under construction site of Matho Photang.
Thinles Tharchin, Sarpanch Matho and Gen. Gamyang Tharchin , President, Matho Gompa briefed the team on the schedule. They said that the proposed 3 to 4 days sermon of His Holiness Sakya Rinpoche at Matho in the month of June.
A memorandum of demand was presented to CEC and Councilor , Stok, Tsering Angchuk. The demands include materializing drinking water facilities, toilet facilities, blacktopping of road up to Photang, repairing of roads from Chushot to Matho, installation of new transformer at Photang site and extension of ST Line and improvement in the mobile network with broadband and WiMAX internet facilities during sermon.
Rigzin Spalbar said that it is the responsibility of the Council to provide basic facilities when such big congregation is going to be held but at the same time he said that without a properly sanctioned plan council cannot take works in hand. However, he directed concerned officers to prepare a project with estimated funds at the earliest which will be submitted to state govt. to the Council for approval.
Team of officers and engineers who accompanied the CEC were Additional S.P Leh T. Gyalpo, Leh Development Authority Dr. Zaida Bano, Exn. PHE Tashi Tundup, Exn Construction Tsering Angchuk, A.D CAPD Sharab Gyaltson, Assitant Director Tourism Mehboob Ali, BDO, Chuchot, BDO, Leh and other concerned officers.