GDC Drass celebrates International Week of Deaf

College Development Committee and Cultural Committee Govt. Degree College, Drass observed the International Week of the Deaf (IWD) 2022 theme, “Building Inclusive Communities for All”.
Assistant Professor Urdu, Dr. Masrat Hamzah Lone briefed the students about moral ethics toward the specially-abled people. A documentary on sign languages was also screened.
Assistant Professor Botany, Dr. Imtiyaz Hussain stressed the need for encouragement, empowerment, and welfare of the specially-abled people. He advised students to treat them equally in society.
Incharge principal, Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad highlighted the role and contribution of specially-abled people such as Stephen Hawkins, John Nash, Andria Boccelli Michael J.Fox, etc.
He further thanked all the faculty members and especially-abled students for taking part in the event.