Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Farming community of Sham belt gets training to curb aphid outbreak
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Apr 15, 2017
To manage the outbreak of aphid, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, SKUAST-K Leh organised two days training programme on “Demonstration on Management of Aphid outbreak on fruit trees” in Saspol and Alchi on April 5 and 7.
EC, Agriculture Tsering Wangdus presided over the function in presence of Councillor Khaltsi, Lobzang Shereb.
Dr. Dorjay Namgyal, Head KVK-Leh brief about the importance of the programme to the farmers. He stressed the farming community to save their produce by adopting integrated pest management practices to negate the losses caused by various insect pests last year.
Dr. Vikas Gupta, scientist Plant Protection, KVK said that sanitation of the orchards is one of the easiest and effective ways to avoid pest problem.
He gave the practical demonstration of pesticide and bio-pesticides spray to the farmers and educate them on safety and judicious use of pesticides and bio-pesticides like wearing gloves, masks, specs etc. The farmers should avoid spraying when there is an appreciation of rain and against wind direction.
Tsering Wangdus, EC, Agriculture released pamphlets on the management of Apricot defoliator which was published in Bhoti language and bio-pesticide Trichoderma for managing soil-borne diseases and enhancing beneficial microbial activities in soil.
They distributed insecticides, bio-pesticides like Neem oil, yellow sticky traps, trichoderma, Power Sprayer and Foot Sprayer and Technical Bulletins (Pamphlets) among the farmers of these two villages.