Election campaigning starts in Ladakh

By Nenzes Chodon Leh, May 10, 2024
Leh :

Voting is scheduled for 20th May in Ladakh for its parliamentary Lok Sabha seat. Returning Officer/District Election Officer, Leh, Santosh Sukhadeve issued the Notice of Election on 26th April. The election will take place in the fifth phase with nominations closing on 3rd May.

The peo- ple of Ladakh are watching the nominations of candidates made by different parties. In this regard, BJP has nomi- nated current Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Leh, Adv Tashi Gyalson as its candidate. The supporters of incumbent Member of Parliament and BJP leader, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal responded to this nomination by expressing their unhappiness.

On 25th April, Jamyang Tser- ing Namgyal returned to Leh where his supporters organised a grand reception to welcome him at KBR Airport, Leh. Jamyang Tsering Namgyal also interacted with the me- dia on his return. In response to a question, he expressed his disappointment that some members of the party were not present to receive him. He added that he had worked tirelessly to ensure that the party reached its current po- sition. He questioned why he was ignored and added that his supporters are also wondering about it. He congratulated the newly-nominated candidate Adv. Tashi Gyalson but stated that the decision made by BJP has hurt the sentiments of party worker in Ladakh and dashed their hopes. He explained that a collective decision will be made after holding a meeting Speculations of a rift in BJP surface with his well-wishers on the next step. He said, “As a Member of Par- liament for five years, I have served the people tirelessly, made impactful speeches in the Parliament, toured every single village in the constitu- ency, ensured harmony among every community, facilitated developmental activities, im- plemented every Government of India scheme in the region, worked to strengthen the Hill Councils, and contributed in Hill Council elections. I think I have performed diligently.

As a loyal party worker, I can accept the decision of the party but my supporters are very disappoint- ed and unwilling to accept it.” On the same day (25th May), BJP, Ladakh launched its Lok Sabha election campaign in Leh. Adv Tashi Gyalson too addressed the media He said, “The campaign launch had been planned well in advance with a visit to the offices of all religious organisations to meet their representatives and spiritual leaders. It has been a busy day for the members of BJP Party as there were many events taking place throughout the day including the launch of the campaign, formal reception for the incumbent MP and the programme at the BJP Office.

The reception at the airport was organised on the direction of the part state president.” The events of the day have led observers to speculate on a rift within BJP Party in Ladakh. When asked about it, Tashi Gyalson denied there was any rift and said it was baseless speculation. BJP State Presi- dent, Phuntsok Stanzin added that some members were not able to attend the reception as it was a busy day that had numer- ous programmes. Jamyang Tsering Namgyal vis- ited Zanskar recently where in 2019 the public had extended their support to him. He said he respects the sentiments of his supporters and assured them that he would think of fight- ing the election independently if the situation was handled satisfactorily. He is expected to make announce a decision soon.

District Congress President, Leh, Rigzen Namgyal refused to comment on the internal issues of BJP Party. He said, “Any leader or politician who does not work for the public has to face consequences. Their downfall is inevitable.”

While BJP has already nomi- nated its candidate for the up- coming election, other parties, especially Congress and National Conference are yet to declare their candidates.