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Dr. Sonam Dawa the first BJP CEC of LAHDC, Leh Assures the party will write a new chapter of governance
By Stanzin Desal
Nov 09, 2015

Leh :
A historic day for Ladakh, Dr. Sonam Dawa Councilor Thiksey constituency was nominated and elected as the new Chief Executive Councilor of LAHDC, Leh on 3rd October at the Council Secretariat, Leh.
The decision was made in the first General council meeting of LAHDC under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner, Leh -Prasanna Ramaswamy G. The entire elected councilors passed unanimous decision for the CEC.
Dr. Dawa said that, “there are many works which have to be done and initiated but if we talk about priorities then I will firstly put all my efforts to rehabilitate the people and places that are affected during the flash flood and the council will work on the declared manifesto.” He further added that now the power of BJP is at the Central, State and in our region the promised “ACCHEY DIN” will be in Ladakh. The incomplete developmental projects will be taken into consideration as well as the new council will initiate some more needed work.
List of LAHDC- Leh, CEC from 1995-2015
Party CEC Year
Congress Thupstan Chhewang 3rd Sept 1995-31st May 2004
Congress Rigzin Spalbar 24th June 2004 - 26th Oct 2005
LUTF Chhering Dorjey 27th Oct 2005- 25th Dec 2010
Congress Rigzin Spalbar 29th Dec 2010-2015
BJP Dr.Sonam Dawa 2015-2020
Dorjay Mutup from Kungyam constituency, Tsering Sangdup from Panamik constituency, Tsering Wangdus from Saspol constituency and Mumtaz Hussain from Chuchot constituency were elected as the new executive councilors of 5th LAHDC, Leh on 4th October.
List of new Executive Councilors along with their portfolio
Executive Councilor Constituency Portfolio
Dorjey Motup Kungyam Works Department
Tsering Wangdus Saspol Agriculture and Rural Development
Mumtaz Hussain Chuchot Animal Husbandry
Tsering Sangdup Panamik Tourism Department