DC reviews National Health Mission plans

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent Leh, May 27, 2024
Leh :

Deputy Commissioner Santosh Sukhadeve conducted a comprehensive review of National Health Mission (NHM) programmes for fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-24 at the DC Conference Hall on May 27.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Leh, Dr Deskit Dolma, presented an overview of healthcare facilities and services in Leh district. The presentation covered a wide range of programmes including Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RCH); Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK); Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK); Non-Communicable Disease Control Programmes (NCD); and the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP).

DC Sukhadeve commended the department for ensuring that government initiatives reach patients and they are able to access the facilities. He also emphasised the need for greater focus on mental health for the welfare of Ladakhi society.

Dr. Dolma discussed maternal and child health services including Janni Shishu Suraksha Karakram (JSSK), menstrual hygiene programme, and child immunisation. adolescent health services, including Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic and Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK). Elderly and mental health care programmes including National Programme for Health Care of Elderly and National Mental Health Program (NMHP), and disease control programmes such as National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, National Rabies Control Programme (NRCP), and National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme (NVHCP). Palliative and non-communicable disease care under National Programme for Palliative Care (NPPC) and NP-NCD (NCD) were also reviewed.

Dr. Dolma presented NHM Leh's financial report for FY 2022-23 and discussed funds approved under the Record of Proceedings (ROP) for FY 2024-25.

The meeting was attended by Additional District Deputy Commissioner (ADDC), Medical Superintendent of SNM Hospital Leh, District Tuberculosis Officer Leh, Deputy CMO Leh, District Immunization Officer Leh, District Health Officer Leh, Block Medical Officers from Leh, Khalste, Nyoma, Tangtse, and Nubra, District Program Management Unit, and concerned officers and officials.