DC, Kargil reviews‘Take Home Ration’ program Stresses on providing nutritious diet for pregnant/lactating mothers and small children

Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC, Kargil, Santosh Sukhadeve reviewed the approval/finalization of the ‘Take Home Ration’ (THR) program with members of the District Nutrition Committee, Kargil on June 22.
The ICDS proposed recipes/menus for lactating mothers and pregnant women and for 0-6 month children to take home ration in front of the committee for approval.
Detailed discussion and deliberation were held on various aspects and the nutritional value of the ‘Take Home Ration’ menus.
The Deputy Commissioner emphasized the importance of a nutritious diet for pregnant/lactating mothers and small children. A good diet results in good health and better Human Resources.
DC directed the concerned officials to add more local nutritional ingredients to the recipes/menus for better nutritional value.
The local dried fruits were also recommended for better nutritional value to beneficiaries. He also directed ICDS to look for the possibility of manufacturing recipes /menus at the Block level.
Program Officer Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Nargis Bano, ACD, Kargil, Ghulam Muhammad, CPO, Kargil, Abdul Hadi, CMO Kargil, DFO Kargil, CAO Kargil, CHO Kargil, CDPO and other concerned officers and officials attended the meeting.