DC, Kargil, convenes meeting on Gram Panchayat Development Programme

A meeting regarding Gram Panchayat Development Programme for the year 2020-2021 was convened by Deputy Commissioner and CEO, Hill Council, Kargil on November 8.
Discussion was held on the formulation of plans by different departments for inclusion in the GPDP for the year 2020-2021.
Deputy Commissioner informed that the development programme of the Gram Sabhas is to be executed by the Panchayats and asked officers to work in close coordination with the Panchayat representatives for formulation as well as execution of developmental plans.
DC while underlining the importance of GPDP for effective implementation of developmental programmes and welfare schemes at the Gram Panchayat level in view of the implementation of the 73rd Panchayati Raj Amendment Act stressed officers to formulate plans based on the actual developmental requirements of the people at the grassroots.
He instructed the concerned officers to frame the requisite proposals of their respective departments and furnish the same to ACD Kargil’s office by November 11.These proposals shall be discussed in the Gram Sabha in respective Panchayats of the district to be held from November 11 to 25.
Ghulam Muhammad, Assistant Commissioner Development (ACD) Kargil; Shabir Hussain, District Panchayat Officer (DPO) Kargil; Executive Engineers of various Sub Divisions, officers of Social Welfare, ICDS, Health, Industries, Forest, Soil Conservation, Animal and Sheep Husbandry besides other concerned officers attended the meeting.