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Chuchot students work towards imparting quality education with social work group
By Stanzin Dasal
Mar 18, 2017

Humanitarian education and welfare group Leh convened a meeting to discuss the activities and future plans of the group on 5 March at Shenam community hall, Leh. Block Developmental Officer Chuchot Ali Akbar and Zonal Education officer, Chuchot, Padma Yangzin attended the meeting.
Appreciating the effort of the school going student to contribute towards society, BDO Chuchot, Ali Akbar said, “To carry out the work of the society efficiently the main important thing is to work with unity and understanding with the responsibility towards everyone.”
He stressed the importance of moral education along with academic knowledge to be a better human being.
He assures help in organising awareness campaign and other events in future and also announced ₹ 5000 financial assistance to the student group.
Zonal Education officer, Chuchot Padma Yangzin talked about enhancing language skill and the ability to communicate clearly with the other people. She advised listening to radio programs in various languages. She said, “Experience and exposures can be gained from participation in various activities. Learning has no age and one should be proactive in grabbing every information and knowledge from everyone.”
"Active participation of parents in the child’s education is very important along with the student and teachers", she added.
She further advised the students to work collaboratively and with determination to give the best.
President, Humanitarian education and welfare group Ansar Hussain briefed about the group and its role and activities. He said, “At an academic level, we have organized winter tuition for the school students and also conducted career counseling session by calling various experts to encourage the students.”
Humanitarian education and welfare group was initiated by the group of school going students to work for the quality education among the students and also help the underprivileged section of the society. With an aim to excel in academic along with social work the group is strengthened with 70 students.