Chief Animal Husbandry Officer Kargil assesses FMD outbreak in Drass

By Reach Ladakh Correspondent DRASS, Jul 09, 2024

Dr. Gulzar Hussain, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer Kargil, visited Drass to assess the status of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak and evaluate the measures being implemented to control it.

During his visit, Dr. Hussain chaired a meeting with Block Veterinary Officer Drass, Dr. Mohd Amine, and the field staff actively working on the ground. Dr. Amine provided a comprehensive overview of the FMD outbreak, reporting that the situation is under control due to the diligent efforts of the entire field team.

The team has been implementing rigorous control measures, including daily monitoring and treatment of affected animals in highland pastures, which have effectively curbed the spread of the disease. The field staff has been visiting the highland pastures daily to monitor livestock health and administer necessary treatments.

Dr. Amine emphasized that their proactive approach has been crucial in managing the outbreak despite the challenging terrain and harsh weather conditions. Their efforts have significantly mitigated the impact of the outbreak on the livestock population.

During the discussions, Dr. Amine highlighted the need for additional protective equipment, such as masks and gloves, essential for ensuring the safety and health of the veterinary team while handling infected animals.

Dr. Gulzar Hussain assured the BVO that the requested supplies would be issued promptly, emphasizing that the health and safety of the field staff are of utmost importance. He reiterated their commitment to providing the necessary resources and underscored the importance of community awareness and engagement in preventing the spread of FMD. Outreach activities will be organized to inform livestock owners about best practices for disease prevention in the coming days, with fund requisitions placed to higher authorities.

Dr. Hussain also noted the request for additional protective gear and medicines, promising that necessary actions would be taken to ensure the team's safety. He assured continuous support with resources and guidance needed to maintain control over the outbreak and prevent future occurrences.

Later, Dr. Hussain visited the old building of the Veterinary Complex, which is set to be dismantled soon for the construction of a new block for the veterinary hospital. Funds for the new block have already been released to the concerned executing agency.