Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
CEC visits border village Demjok
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Sep 19, 2017

\r\nTaking stock of the border village, CEC Dr. Sonam Dawa visited and addressed the grievances and issues of the villagers on September 4 in Demjok, Changthang.\r\n
\r\nCEC was updated about Medical Aid Centre which is being constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 36 lakh out of which Rs. 15 lakh has been released and till date Rs. 11 lakh was spent. As 80% of the building is completed, the engineers thus requested CEC for the release of remaining funds to which CEC assured them of early release of funds.\r\n
\r\nProject Director LREDA was directed to make use of the excess supply of power from Solar Power Plant for street lighting. He then assured of funding for the street lights from the Council. Army also assured of providing assistance in installing those street lights. CEC further gave directions for appointing a local man to look after the proper usage and execution of the power plant.\r\n
\r\nCEC appreciated the Exn Irrigation & Flood Control for timely charging of water in the Demjok Irrigation Canal which will be used for the plantation in the Demjok Command Area.\r\n
\r\nHe further requested the villagers to resolve the prevailing land issues with different bodies in collaboration with SDM Nyoma and to make use of the command area by planting a maximum number of trees including sea buck thorn. He also assured every possible help from Council.\r\n
\r\nResponding to the major demand of the villagers for a construction of the road from Dyunti to Demjok, CEC informed them about the close touch with BRO regarding the same.\r\n
\r\nOn the demand of the villagers, CEC gave directions to the engineers to carry out the repair work of bathrooms at Hot Spring water keeping the Army in confidence.\r\n
\r\nDorjey Motup, EC Education, Mumtaz Hussain, EC Animal and Sheep Husbandry, Tashi Chombel, District Superintendent Engineer, Tsering Motup, SDM Nyoma, Project Director LREDA and other concerned officers and officials of the Nyoma Sub-Division.\r\n