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Awareness needed on ill effects of firecrackers Want stricter, comprehensive and time-bound action plan to address all sources of air pollution
By Kunzang Chosdol & Rigzin Wangmo
Oct 16, 2017

The festival of glitter and fun is around the corner and people from all walks of life are gearing up for celebrations of which bursting firecrackers is considered an important part.
In Ladakh celebrating occasions by burning crackers is becoming a new trend causing smoke, fumes and other health hazardous gases and noise pollution. The trend is something new that has been introduced in our land in the recent years.
The traditional value system of sustainability has been usurped by mindless consumerism where we reach out for the convenient options and forget the long-term impact they have. Taking up eco-friendly measures in every aspect of our life is the need of the hour and not a mere trend.
Remember the time when there was nothing of these sorts. We the people of Ladakh have always been celebrating the festivals in a very peaceful way by using the butter lamp, greeting each other and preparing scrumptious food. Bursting crackers was never in our tradition; we have replicated the same from other culture. It is time for us to restore our culture and not let such interference ruin the land of passes.
In 2016, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, Councillor Martselang, Constituency submitted a plea letter to Dr. Sonam Dawa, Chief Executive Councillor to take step towards the ban on firecrackers on December 14. Later, a resolution was passed in the General Council meeting and was unanimously decided to ban firecracker in Leh and theDistrict administration issued an order no. JC-161(C) 2008(903) for a complete ban in Leh on December 29.
However, in various celebrations in 2017, we have been witnessed the use of firecrackers in Leh. On October 9, Supreme Court has also announced a temporary ban on the sale of firecrackers in Delhi till November 1. The direction, according to the court, is an outcome of “direct evidence of deterioration of air quality” every year during Deepavali on account of the bursting of firecrackers.
Burning bundles of firecrackers in a marriage party, Diwali, Dusherra, and New Year celebration causes an immense negative effect on everything.
Last year, during Losar celebration one accident due to firecrackers was reported from Matho village in which a house was partially burned.
While asked about the banning of firecrackers in Leh, Moses Kunzang, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Leh said, “Earlier we used to issue 15-20 permits to the vendors on two occasion- Diwali and Dusshera. But this time we have not issued a single permit to any of the vendors”.
“We check the market on a regular basis and if we see anyone violating the rules, strict action will be taken against them,” Moses added.
When asked about the use and sale of firecrackers is still happening he said, “They are using the previous stock, we believe that from next year there will be no use of firecrackers.”
Discouraging the introduction of the new culture in Ladakh Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, Councillor Martselang said, “People are ignoring the long-term impact on the environment, health, pollution, living creatures and economy in general. Ladakh has a very fragile environment, due to forceful human intervention into nature; we have been witnessing untimely floods and misfortune many a times in the past. Firecrackers are also one of the big contributors towards the same. So it is us who can save the environment, the outsiders will come, burn, enjoy and go but we the people of Ladakh are the ones who will breathe the air of this environment till last.”
Balbir Singh, President Hindu Mahasabha, Leh said, “Diwali is the festival which is impossible without firecracker but to a certain extent, we do agree with the ban imposed by the administration but I think the solution to every problem is not by eliminating it but by tackling it. We need awareness and regulation here. I request the administration not to impose complete ban but with time we can reduce the use of crackers and one day we can completely stop the usage of it in each celebration,”
Health problem
The living example of negative effect can be seen in Delhi these days, where the quality of air has deteriorated, people face several health problems and are instructed to use air purifier mask and stay indoor for some days especially during festival season. These problems are something which has been created by us. In Ladakh, such problem is not there but taking it as a lesson and discourage the use of it for the welfare of our environment and health is a must.
Tashi Angchuk, President Medical Social Service, Leh said, “Especially it is very harmful and causes problems for the patients who have lungs problem. After each celebration, we witness the rise in numbers of patients in the hospital who complains about lungs, asthma, and bronchitis. It’s a positive step taken by the administration and Hill council. People should strictly follow and keep in mind the negative impact on health, wildlife and fragile ecosystem of Ladakh.”
The sudden exposure to loud noise caused by firecrackers leads to hearing loss, high blood pressure, heart attack and sleeping disturbance. There are many chemicals used in making firecrackers, the harmful effects posed by each of its chemicals can cause much disorder in a human.
Disturbance to wildlife
Ladakh is known for rich wildlife, birds, and animal and for centuries humans and animals are living in harmony. But with the increase of vehicles and huge exposure of machinery, we have already shaken the system of wildlife. Yet again we create more disturbances by bursting firecrackers which bring confusion, anxiety, and fear into the lives of animals, causing them to run away from their homes in an effort to escape the frightening detonations.
Skarma Sonam, Field Coordinator, NCF, “The deafening noise of firecracker disturb the wild animals that lie in the peaceful land of Ladakh especially the species of birds. They tend to move to another place for breeding just to escape from a situation caused by a human. Yet, there are already many challenges for them such as human interference, feral dogs etc. so it is our duty to stop being so brutal towards them.”
Tashi Angchuk said, “In the past, we used to see varieties of birds around us but today we see fewer numbers of them. This is because of human interference and disturbance which is one contribution towards the same.”
Noise and environment pollution
Firecrackers make noise more than the allowed decibel limit for a human being. Loud noise can cause temporary or permanent deafness or even result in heart attack. It produces noise as well as air pollution. The explosion of firecrackers also releases poisonous chemicals and particle-laden smoke, contaminating our beautiful natural environment.
Sonam Wangmo, Assistant Professor, Environmental Science said, “Although the no. of users is less than other parts. Likewise, our ecosystem is unique as well as fragile from rest if the country. The Himalayas are considered to be the most fragile to climate change. So any unnatural change in environment can cause more danger to our fragile ecosystem. Firecracker doesn't directly contribute to natural disasters but in long-term use of firecracker in large quantity can contribute to frequencies and intensities of natural disasters in future”.
She further added, “Although there is J&K state pollution control board but in Leh it is defunct. But such kind of board should be functional at district level especially in Leh due to the risk created by increasing tourism and the pollution level of air is increasing tremendously. A Pollution Control Board is now the need of the hour, we need to monitor the quality of the air we are inhaling as well as to set air quality standard especially for booming town like Leh.”
Riyaz Ahmed, President Merchant Association, Leh said, “From last year with the decision of administration and Hill council, we have stopped selling it. I request the administration to impose strict action against those who sell it illegally in the market.”
The festivals should not be associated with crackers, it should be celebrated with sweets, lights and color. Firecracker has the negative impact on everything; it is the wastage of money in disguise.
But, there is concern among a section of people who are pressing for an eco-friendly festival over bursting of firecrackers that pollute the environment.
People need to understand that bursting firecracker is not trendy anymore. But little do people realize that the temporary joy of watching the crackers is soon replaced by the intense air and noise pollution.