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A joint effort to eradicate alcohol from the society
By Stanzin Desal
Dec 19, 2015

Leh :
The message of the ill effect of alcohol is spreading out in every corner of Ladakh.The documentary “Tukkchu, Inviting Death” is been presented in different villages of Leh by Ladakh Buddhist Association Women wing along with the joint effort of all the villagers and different association.
LBA women wing president, Tsewang Dolma expressed the deep satisfaction from the responses of different villages. The awareness was first started from Taru village, she said the villages like Taru, Likir, Nimmo , Basgo has made a unanimous decision to ban Beer and tobacco sales in the village. The eradication of this social evil is possible if all the villages come forward against all this.
Along with the documentary, Dr. Thinly and Dr. Odzer gave a presentation on the effects of alcohol and tobacco on the health.
The need of such awareness is of prime importance because the menace of alcohol is creating a huge havoc in a place like Ladakh where the total population is itself very less. Consumption of liquor and tobacco smoking has created a huge impact on the health and economic condition. The present scenario in Ladakh has changed drastically, number of youths indulged in caffeine, hard drugs, alcohol and smoking which is effecting psychologically and physically.
The growing situation needs to be considered in a serious manner. Whatever the reason, the main issue is that of prevention. Talking to young people about the risks of drug addiction is important as this will hopefully prevent addiction happening in the first place.
Kuntus Tsogspa Nimmo and the youth association is playing a major role to keep the youths away from such addiction by engaging them in archery, skates and different other sports.
The awareness campaign is carried out in different schools also.
High levels of alcohol consumption are associated with an increased risk of alcoholism, malnutrition, chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic liver disease and cancer. In addition, damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
The awareness campaign is spreading and is to reach out every corner of Ladakh.