79th birth anniversary of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche celebrated with devotion and joy

By Yangchen Dolma Leh, Jul 11, 2024
During the celebration of 79th birth anniversary of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche at the Drikung Dharma Foundation in Phyang, Leh.
Leh :

The 79th birth anniversary of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche was celebrated with great fervor and devotion at the Drigung Dharma Foundation in Phyang, Leh, on July 10. The ceremony also marked the significant occasion of Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma.

The event was co-hosted by the revered monasteries of Ma Gon Sum (Phyang Gompa, Lamayuru Gompa, and Shachukul Gompa). Chief Executive Councillor LAHDC Leh Tashi Gyaltson graced the event as the chief guest, while His Eminence Bakula Rangdol Nima Rinpoche was the special guest of honor.

The celebration was attended by several distinguished guests, including Executive Councillor Tashi Namgyal Yakzee, Phyang Councillor Tundup Nurbu, Lamayuru Councillor Konchok Stanzin, Chushul Councillor Phuntsog Norboo, Nominated Councillor Ven. Tashi Gyaltsen, Secretary of Drikung Dharma Foundation, President LGA, Vice President LBA, Director of Go Green Go Organic, and many devoted followers.

The ceremony began with the sacred lighting of lamps, symbolizing the triumph of wisdom and compassion over ignorance. The cake-cutting ceremony added a festive touch to the proceedings.

Vajra masters from the three monasteries performed a special Mandala offering ceremony. His Eminence Bakula Rangdol Nima Rinpoche then delivered a brief introduction to Buddha’s First Sermon to the audience.

Ven. Khanpo K Rangdol delivered a speech titled “A Rare and Inspiring Reflection on the Extraordinary Life of HH Chetsang Rinpoche,” highlighting the life and achievements of His Holiness.

In his address, CEC Tashi Gyaltson warmly felicitated His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche on his birthday, acknowledging the esteemed spiritual leader’s remarkable contributions to the environmental well-being of Ladakh, particularly through the Go Green project and the mega plantation drive. These initiatives have become beacons of hope and inspiration for the region’s ecological revitalization. He reassured the continued support and solidarity of the LAHDC in pursuing such noble endeavors, emphasizing the imperative of collective action and collaborative spirit in addressing the environmental challenges facing the region.

The event also featured a cultural performance by Ratnashri Artists, adding to the celebratory atmosphere.