Two story books launched at LAMO Centre
The book ‘My way back from School’ is about a 13 year old school girl Sonam Chosdon, living in the old town of Leh. The book reflects her activities and the casual chat she have with her friend Angmo on their way to home from school.
A proud and energetic Sonam Chosdon while carrying a smile on her face and spark in her eyes clearly reflecting the excitement shared her experience about the shoot and said “I did not expect that someone would write a book on me. The mentor Sharon Sonam called me and said that I look beautiful and she would take my pictures. At that time I never thought that my story would get published and people would read it. I am very happy and glad that LAMO chose me for this book”.
The second book ‘The Ghost Stories’ consists of drawings and stories written by young children, Lekzes Angmo, Rigzin Dolma, Rigzin Wangmo, Sonam Chosdon, Tsering Chosdon, Tsewang Dolma and Tsewang Thinley from Old Town of Leh on various stories they had heard from their grandparents and family members.
Keeping in mind the age old tradition of storytelling in Ladakh, a workshop was organized about story telling at LAMO under the supervision of Sharon Sonam, Project Officer LAMO with children of old town wherein the children were encouraged to narrate their stories and made a related drawing that was then selected for printing.
Konchok Angmo while congratulating Director LAMO, Tashi Morup for taking such an initiative for encouraging young minds and urged upon the young children to work hard in the future also. She advised them to contribute in building up of a bright future for Ladakh.
Director LAMO ,Tashi Morup gave a brief introduction about the kinds of work done by LAMO. LAMO Centre mainly deals with preserving the art and culture in Ladakh. LAMO has organized many workshops on contemporary art, paintings, storytelling etc. “Our initiative was to encourage the young children for writing and giving them a platform to narrate and write their own stories”.
The books will soon be available at various stationeries of Leh.